The Best Gadgetmobile Quotes

[at Scolex Industries]
Gadgetmobile: Can you find the Scolex Building from here, or should I call the police?
Inspector: I am the police!
Penny: Hey, wait! What about me?
Gadgetmobile: You're smarter than he is. Stay in the car.

Gadgetmobile: Better buckle up, Penny. This car's only got two speeds: "Fast" and "WOW! What Was That?"

Gadgetmobile: Let's team up: I'll go after them; and you say 10-4!
Inspector: 10-4?
Gadgetmobile: Right. See ya!
[speeds off after some escaped convicts, leaving Gadget just standing there]

Gadgetmobile: Who are you, rookie?
Inspector: I'm Officer John Brown, and you're exceeding the speed limit.
Gadgetmobile: Speed limits are for cars, not the Gadgetmobile.
Inspector: Are you - Are you talking to me?
Gadgetmobile: Speaking of breaking the law, who's not wearing a seat belt? You gotta wear the belt, baby. It's a Disney movie.

Gadgetmobile: [two guys are trying to steal a Dodge Viper but Inspector Gadget doesn't notice that they are actually ecaped convicts and this upsets the Gadgetmobile] That's it. I can't take this anymore. Step away from the Viper!