The Best Inspector Gadget Quotes

Inspector: What have they got me on?

Penny: Having another hero cop dream, Uncle John?
Officer: Every time I close my eyes.

Inspector: You blew me up and my Chevette. And I really liked that car.
Dr. Claw: Well, you crushed my hand and I really liked that hand. So Go-Go get over it!

[at Scolex Industries]
Gadgetmobile: Can you find the Scolex Building from here, or should I call the police?
Inspector: I am the police!
Penny: Hey, wait! What about me?
Gadgetmobile: You're smarter than he is. Stay in the car.

Officer: Dr. Bradford? Hi. I borrowed a book from your dad. "Power Learning Through Speed Study." It took me forever to get through it.

Inspector: I don't know what you're up to, Scolex, but you'll never get away with it!
Dr. Claw: Oh, how cliché, Inspector. I think somebody's been watching too many Saturday morning cartoons.
[Dr. Claw, Kramer and Inspector Gadget look at the camera]

Officer: Thelma, how do I look?
Thelma: Like a geek from Kansas who became a security guard.

Inspector: I'm not me anymore. I'm a hardware store!

Gadgetmobile: Who are you, rookie?
Inspector: I'm Officer John Brown, and you're exceeding the speed limit.
Gadgetmobile: Speed limits are for cars, not the Gadgetmobile.
Inspector: Are you - Are you talking to me?
Gadgetmobile: Speaking of breaking the law, who's not wearing a seat belt? You gotta wear the belt, baby. It's a Disney movie.

Inspector: I don't get it. Why would you do this?
Dr. Claw: I'll tell you why. To make techno-warriors that never get tired, never get hungry, and never say "no". Every army in the world would be made up of my creations. Imagine the confusion, Gadget, huh? Imagine the perks. COMPRENDÉ?
Inspector: Yeah, I comprendé.
Dr. Claw: No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no. I comprendo, yo comprendo. Conjugate the word, for pity's sake.

Gadgetmobile: Let's team up: I'll go after them; and you say 10-4!
Inspector: 10-4?
Gadgetmobile: Right. See ya!
[speeds off after some escaped convicts, leaving Gadget just standing there]

Inspector: Wowser!

Dr. Brenda Bradford: I'll be with you every step of the way!
Inspector: Okay. I'd shake your hand, but you might lose an eye.

Officer: Attention: Driver of the wrecked limo attached to the "Yahoo!" billboard, this is security officer John Brown. Please step out of the vehicle immediately, or... else.
Scolex: [stepping out, unable to give in without a fight] Fine work, Mr. Security Guard, you got me. Here, have a victory cigar.
[pulls out a cigar and lights it...]
Officer: No, thanks.
Scolex: Remember: Smoking kills.
[tosses cigar]
Officer: I don't smoke!
Scolex: [laughs] Oh, really? You will now.
Officer: Oh, boy...
[the cigar blows up John; also sending a bowling ball rocketing out of John's car. Scolex closes his sunroof, but the bowling ball falls through the sunroof before closing, and crushes his left hand]

Officer: Justice will be served.