The Best Herman Freitag Quotes

Col. Wilhelm Klink: [Klink and Hogan enter Freitag's room] I can't tell you what an honour it is to have the opportunity...
Herman Freitag: [completely ignoring Klink] Colonel Hogan, I've heard so much about you, I feel I've known you a long time.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: You've heard of me? I haven't really done anything.
Herman Freitag: Your modesty does you credit. But sometimes the best-kept secrets leak out. You know what I mean?
Col. Robert E. Hogan: I suppose you're talking about the bombing mission I flew against your secret submarine base in Bremen?
Herman Freitag: Oh, was that you?
[laughs uncomfortably]
Herman Freitag: Yeah, we lost eight submarines in that raid.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: I believe it was nine, but who's counting?
Col. Wilhelm Klink: [laughing] That reminds me of a marvellously funny story about a sailor who hadn't seen his wife...
Herman Freitag: [again ignoring Klink] Actually, I'm an admirer of what you've been doing more recently.
[pauses briefly]
Herman Freitag: Oh, I'm sorry. Colonel Hogan, this is Ilse Praeger. Deputy Gruppenfuhrer Mannheim.
[Mannheim steps forward, Freitag addresses Colonel Klink]
Herman Freitag: What is your name?
Col. Wilhelm Klink: Klink, sir. Wilhelm Klink.
Herman Freitag: Yes. Mannheim, why don't you see if my uniforms are back from the tailor? And take Colonel Kink with you.
Col. Wilhelm Klink: Klink.
Herman Freitag: Whatever you say.