The Best Jimmy Quotes

Jimmy: [exasperated] No, your bikini wax is not a company write-off.
Kayla: It was just the back.
Jimmy: Kayla...
Kayla: [interrupting] Okay, fine, but my trainer said that anything can be a write-off if you just think about business while it's happening.
Jimmy: That is absolutely not true. You need to fire that person.
Kayla: No way. She's a write-off.

Deborah: [phone call] I've been trying you. Your assistant said you're at anger management?
Jimmy: She's not supposed to tell people that, but yes. It's horrible. Russell Crowe is my accountability partner.
Deborah: Does he scream a lot?
Jimmy: Worse. He just whispers. Pretty sure he's a climate terrorist because he talks a lot about "finding the oil men in their homes."

Jimmy: [his assistant is having trouble getting his coffee right; spitting out the newest cup] Weird and bizarre. What is in this one?
Kayla: Honey. You said natural. It comes from bears.

Jimmy: Are you and Deborah Vance 'Thelma and Louise' yet or what?
Ava: No, but, uh, but I do want to drive off a cliff.

Kayla: Barbara said not to be sexual. Isn't the opposite of being sexual telling you you have a fugly face?
Jimmy: No, it's actually bullying.
Kayla: What do you want me to say? That during the company softball game I saw the full outline of your wiener through your mesh shorts? And it was surprisingly big for somebody with such a high voice. Happy now, ugly?

[Marcus on the phone with Jimmy]
Jimmy: What's going on?
Marcus: [lying] Well, Deborah found out that Ava went to L.A. for that interview, and she's pissed.
Jimmy: Hold on. I don't know what you're talking about. What interview?
Marcus: Wait, you're asking me?

[Ava complains to her agent, Jimmy, that she can't get any work as a writer]
Jimmy: Look, you know I love your strong female POV. Obsessed. But maybe in the future, you don't need to say exactly how you're feeling about everything at all times.
Ava: Oh, my God. I'm sorry if I was unfiltered and honest or whatever, but that's literally what people like about my writing. Now - now all of a sudden, it's a problem? I mean, where's the line?
Jimmy: I don't know, okay?