The Best Lisa Houseman Quotes

Lisa: Oh, my God. Look at that! Ma, I should have brought those coral shoes. You said I was taking too much!
Marjorie: Well, sweetheart, you brought ten pairs.
Lisa: But the coral shoes match that dress!
Jake: This is not a tragedy. A tragedy is three men trapped in a mine, or police dogs used in Birmingham.
Baby: Monks burning themselves in protest.
Lisa: Butt out, Baby.

Johnny: [talking about Neil] That little wimp. He wouldn't know a new idea if it hit him in the Pachenga. He wanted some new ideas? I could've *told* him some new ideas!
Baby: Well, why did you let him talk to you that way?
Johnny: What do you mean, and fight the bossman?
Baby: Yeah, tell him your ideas! He's a person like everyone else. I'm sure he'll think they're great.
Johnny: Look, I know these people, Baby. They're all rich and they're mean. They won't listen to me.
Baby: Well, then why not fight harder? *Make* them listen?
Johnny: Because, I need this goddamn job lined up for next summer!
[chuckles scornfully]
Johnny: My dad calls me today, he says - with good news - you know, he says, "Uncle Paul can finally get you in the union."
Baby: Oh, what-what union?
Johnny: The House Painters and Plasterers, local number 179, at your service.
[Baby's father, sister, and Robbie come out of the house next to the trail; Baby pulls Johnny down so they won't see them together]
Lisa: I've been thinking a lot about the Domino Theory. Now, when Vietnam falls, is China next?
[the trio passes]
Baby: I don't think they saw us.
Johnny: [getting up] Fight harder, huh? I don't see you fighting so hard, Baby. I don't see you running up to daddy telling him I'm your guy.
Baby: I will. With my father, it's complicated. I *will* tell him, I...
Johnny: I don't believe you, Baby! I don't think that you ever had any intention of telling him. Ever.
[stalks off]

Lisa: Where is my beige iridescent lipstick?

Lisa: I've decided to go all the way with Robbie.
Baby: Oh, Lisa, no. Not with someone like him.
Lisa: Do you think if we came back here for a our tenth anniversary, it would be free?
Baby: It-it's just wrong this way. It should be with someone - it should be with someone that you sort of love.
Lisa: Oh, come on. You don't care about me. You wouldn't care if I humped the entire army... as long as they were on the right side of the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

Neil: So is everyone gonna be in the show?
Jake: No. We're leaving tomorrow so we can miss the weekend traffic.
Marjorie: But Jake, we're payed up til Sunday.
Lisa: Daddy, I'm not gonna miss the show. I was suppose to sing in it.
Jake: I said we're leaving tomorrow.
Marjorie: Why would you wanna leave so early?
Jake: It was just a thought. We can stay if you want. So, Lisa, what we're you planning on singing?
Lisa: I'm not sure. What do you think I should sing, Daddy?

Lisa: God, I am so sick of this rain. Remind me not to take my honeymoon at Niagara Falls.
Marjorie: So, you go to Acapulco, it'll be fine.