The Best Max Kellerman Quotes

Max: [During the song about Kellerman's, just before it's interrupted by Johnny Castle] You and me, Tito. We've seen it all, eh? Bubbah and Zeda serving the first pasteurized milk to the boarders. Through the war years, when we didn't have any meat. Through the Depression, when we didn't have anything. Lots of changes, though, Max. It's not the changes so much this time. It's that it all seems to be ending. You think kids want to come with their parents and take fox-trot lessons? Trips to Europe, that's what the kids want. Twenty-two countries in three days. It feels like it's all slipping away.

Max: [to the Houseman Family] This Danish is pure protein.

Marjorie: It's his first real vacation in six years, Max. Take it easy.
Max: Three weeks here, it'll feel like a year.

Jake: Max, our Baby's gonna change the world.
Max: [to Lisa] And what are you gonna do, missy?
Baby: Oh, Lisa's going to decorate it.
Robbie: She already does.

Max: I want you girls to know if it were not for this man, I'd be standing here dead.