The Best Marjorie Houseman Quotes

Marjorie: [while watching Baby dance] I think she gets this from me.

Lisa: God, I am so sick of this rain. Remind me not to take my honeymoon at Niagara Falls.
Marjorie: So, you go to Acapulco, it'll be fine.

Marjorie: It's his first real vacation in six years, Max. Take it easy.
Max: Three weeks here, it'll feel like a year.

Lisa: Oh, my God. Look at that! Ma, I should have brought those coral shoes. You said I was taking too much!
Marjorie: Well, sweetheart, you brought ten pairs.
Lisa: But the coral shoes match that dress!
Jake: This is not a tragedy. A tragedy is three men trapped in a mine, or police dogs used in Birmingham.
Baby: Monks burning themselves in protest.
Lisa: Butt out, Baby.

Marjorie: Look at all of this leftover food. Are there still starving children in Europe?
Baby: Try Southeast Asia, Ma.
Marjorie: Right.

Neil: So is everyone gonna be in the show?
Jake: No. We're leaving tomorrow so we can miss the weekend traffic.
Marjorie: But Jake, we're payed up til Sunday.
Lisa: Daddy, I'm not gonna miss the show. I was suppose to sing in it.
Jake: I said we're leaving tomorrow.
Marjorie: Why would you wanna leave so early?
Jake: It was just a thought. We can stay if you want. So, Lisa, what we're you planning on singing?
Lisa: I'm not sure. What do you think I should sing, Daddy?