The Best Lunatic Editor Quotes

Lunatic: No, *you* listen to *me*! I want that story on my desk or you're fired!
[hangs up to phone]
Lunatic: Who the hell are you?
Rick: I was wondering if you had a job opening...
Lunatic: Job? How dare you come in here and ask *me* for a job! *I'm* the editor in chief! I know the mayor of Venus! Hamburgers can see the future! Rosie O'Donnell--!
[two male nurses carry him out]
Actual: Sorry about that. We share the building with a mental hospital.

Lunatic: Job? How dare you come in here and ask me for a job? I'm the editor-in-chief!
[the lunatic editor gets gently carried away]
Lunatic: I know the mayor of Venus! Hamburgers can see the future! Rosie O'Donnell is my mentor!
Actual: [comes in] Sorry about this. We share the building with a mental hospital.