Top 30 Quotes From Molly Ringwald

Amy: Mom, if you don't let me get an abortion, I wanna leave. Go somewhere. Aren't there, like, homes for teenage mothers? Find me a home.
Anne: But, honey, this is your home.

Ginny: No, Sam, I think you're just being a little selfish... and immature.
Samantha: Oh, yes, that's it. That's *exactly* it.
[storms out]
Ginny: [to herself] Unbelievable. You make someone a bridesmaid and they shit all over you.

Frannie: Are you the same Tom that Nick met in Oklahoma?
Tom: Yes... no. I'm God's Tom.

[When Anne and Ashley are at the gas station, and a man stares at Ashley's cleavage]
Anne: Give me a break! She's thirteen, you pervert!

The: You know, I'm getting input here that I'm reading as relatively hostile. I mean, it's...
Samantha: Go to hell.
The: VERY hostile!

The: How's it goin'?
Samantha: How's what going?
The: You know - things, life, whatnot.
Samantha: Life is not whatnot, and it's none of your business.

Randy: [talking on the phone with Samantha] I was going to tell you something, but, maybe I shouldn't. It's pretty bad.
Samantha: You may as well. Nothing could shock me anymore.
Randy: Last night at the dance, my little brother paid a buck to see your underwear.
Samantha: [screams] Aaaaaaaahhh!
Howard: [Her grandparents downstairs are startled by the scream] Geez! I hate that rock 'n' roll rubbish!
Grandpa: Well, I'm afraid it's here to stay, Howie.

Samantha: When you don't have anything, you don't have anything to lose. Right?
Randy: That's a cheerful thought.

Frannie: Am I dead?
Mother: No child, you ain't dead.
Frannie: Then why am I here?
Mother: You're here to do God's will, child, just like everyone else. God didn't bring you together to make a committee, or a 'Free Zone'. He brought you together to send some of you further. It's Stuart who must lead now that Nick's gone.
Frannie: Lead? Lead where?
Mother: Why west, little girl. You're not to go, only these 4: Stuart, Ralph, Larry and Glen. You abide.
Frannie: No, Stuart's not going anywhere! He's going to stay with me when I have my baby. Neither one of us is going to have anymore to do with your killer God!
Mother: The devil's imp has called his bride to put her with child. Will he let YOUR child LIVE, little girl?

Mother: [upon seeing Fran for the first time] You with child, little girl!
Frannie: How did you know that?

Jim: Why do you think you're a dork? I don't think you're a dork. I don't think Mom thinks you're a dork.
Samantha: Mike thinks I'm a dork.
Jim: Mike *is* a dork.

Samantha: This is Farmer Fred.
The: Ted.
Samantha: Oh, I'm sorry, Farmer Ted.
The: I'm not really a farmer. I'm a freshman.

Samantha: It's really human of you to listen to all my bullshit.

Ashley: [at the dinner table, talking about her day at school] Why do these people think there's something wrong with a belly button? It's not like everyone doesn't have one. I mean, I have one, they have one, you have one. Personally, I don't see the big deal if it shows, I mean, it's not like anyone else is covering their buttons.
Anne: Well, they're supposed to. It's in the dress code.
Ashley: Yes, Mother, but no one pays attention to the dress code.

Ashley: So am I going to school or what?
Anne: No, not today. You should've told me about this.
Ashley: That's my punishment for not telling you? Not going to school? Fine.

The: I know I came on kinda like a poozer on the bus tonight and everything. But... that's just so my friends won't think, you know, I'm a jerk.
Samantha: But they're all pretty much jerks, though, aren't they?
The: Yeah, but, the thing is, I'm kinda like the leader, you know? Kinda like the king of the dipshits.
Samantha: Well, that's pretty cool. Hey, but a lot can happen over a year. I mean, you could come back next Fall as a completely normal person.

[last lines]
Samantha: Thanks for getting my undies back.
Jake: Thanks for coming over.
Samantha: Thanks for coming to get me.
Jake: Happy Birthday, Samantha. Make a wish.
Samantha: It already came true.
[they kiss]

Anne: Oh, Amy, what happened to having a plan? You're supposed to have a plan for sex. You're supposed to have a plan that says you'll wait until you're older so you can get an education and have a career before you settle down and start a family.
Amy: I never thought about it. I didn't know any guy would ever wanna do it with me.

Amy: [to Anne] Why can't I go to Dr. Hightower?
Anne: Amy, she's a pediatrician and I'm really not happy she didn't call me about this. And because her partner is your father's ex-wife's husband, so that means he probably knows, and if he knows, then she knows, and I'm really not happy that they knew before I did.

Brenda: Oh, Sam. Sam, I am so sorry about your birthday.
Samantha: It's OK. I'll recover.
Brenda: It's important to you. And yesterday morning you were trying to tell me.
Samantha: It's OK, Mom. These things sometimes happen.
Brenda: Oh, honey, I just feel miserable.
Samantha: You'll feel better.
Mike: Who died?
Brenda: Uh... Is there something you want to say to your sister?
Mike: What? Are you kidding? Where should I start?
Brenda: I mean about her birthday. It was yesterday. We all forgot.
Mike: [laughing] Classic.
Brenda: Deep down, he's really sorry.
Brenda: [Together] No, he's not.

Brenda: Can you remember to turn off the stove in 20 minutes?
Samantha: I can remember lots of things.

Grandma: Oh Sam, let me look at you. Fred, she's gotten her boobies.
Grandpa: [chuckles] I better go get my magnifying glass.
Grandma: Oh, and they are so Perky.
Grandma: [reaches to cup them]
Samantha: [cut to Sam's bedroom] I can't believe my Grandmother actually felt me up.

Flight: OH GOD! Ugh! I can't believe you fell for that crap! That's from 'Pretty In Pink!'
Janey: Are you sure?
Flight: Trust me!
Jake: Excuse me, what are you doing?
Flight: Let me give you a little piece of advice here, Jake. Why don't you lose the "I'm the cute and sensitive, popular boy with the big side-burns routine. It's just too pathetic! And for once tell Janey what's true in your heart. Stop being such a little bitch! And you Janey! Little miss other-side-of-the-tracks awkward rebel girl with the pseudo-intellectual glasses, why don't you wise-up to Jake's bullshit! Stop being such a dumbass!

Samantha: I can't believe I gave my panties to a geek.

Samantha: Donger's here for five hours, and he's got somebody. I live here my whole life, and I'm like a disease.

Janey: I knew it. That's a line from "She's All That". I masturbate to that movie.
Jake: [to nosy Flight Attendant right behind them] Do you mind?
Airline: Not at all, I think masturbation is very healthy.

Anne: [to Amy] Y-you can't be pregnant. How could this possibly have happened?
Amy: I didn't mean for it to happen. It just kinda happened.
Anne: Is this something you and your sister have come up with? Is this some kind of conspiracy to get my mind off of your father? You want me to think you're pregnant so whatever's really happening isn't so bad. Is that it?
Amy: Mom, I'm really pregnant.
Anne: No, seriously, Amy, tell me the truth. OK, look at me and tell me the truth.
Amy: I am telling you the truth.
Anne: You can't be having a baby at 15 years old.

Randy: [Samantha has filled out an "anonymous" sex quiz naming her crush, which has fallen into unknown hands] Jake Ryan? He doesn't even know you exist.
Samantha: Thank you, that's a very nice thing to say.
Randy: I'm sorry, but Jake Ryan? He's a senior, and he's taken. I mean, really taken.
Samantha: I know. He's supposed to be my ideal.
Randy: He's ideal for sure, but, forget it.
Samantha: God, I hope whoever got the note doesn't know it was me who wrote it. I'd shit twice and die.

Samantha: I can't believe this. They fucking forgot my birthday.

The: Come on, what's the problem here? I'm a boy. You're a girl. Is there any thing wrong with me trying to put together some kind of relationship between us? Okay, look, I know you haven't been - just answer me one question.
Samantha: Yes, you're a total fag.
The: [laughs] That's not the question. Am I turning you on?