The Best Mike Baker Quotes

Brenda: Oh, Sam. Sam, I am so sorry about your birthday.
Samantha: It's OK. I'll recover.
Brenda: It's important to you. And yesterday morning you were trying to tell me.
Samantha: It's OK, Mom. These things sometimes happen.
Brenda: Oh, honey, I just feel miserable.
Samantha: You'll feel better.
Mike: Who died?
Brenda: Uh... Is there something you want to say to your sister?
Mike: What? Are you kidding? Where should I start?
Brenda: I mean about her birthday. It was yesterday. We all forgot.
Mike: [laughing] Classic.
Brenda: Deep down, he's really sorry.
Brenda: [Together] No, he's not.

Mike: [about Ginny] Dad, she's got her period. Should make for an interesting honeymoon, huh?
Jim: Where are you learning that stuff?
Mike: School.
Jim: Good. I get my money's worth.

Long: Very clever dinner. Appetizing food fit neatly into interesting round pie.
Mike: It's a quiche.
Long: How do you spell?
Grandpa: Well you don't spell it, son, you eat it.

Brenda: Don't be a smartass.
Mike: OK, I'll be a dumbass.