The Best Paramedic Quotes

Tom: My handcuffs are too tight.
P.C. Sharma: I'm sorry, what?
Tom: They're cutting off the circulation in my hands. I expect better treatment than this.
Paramedic: You think I feel sorry for you after what you did, you monster?
P.C. Sharma: It's okay. I got this. Now, Tom, take it easy. You had a bad concussion. Why don't you just sit back and enjoy some of that sweet water...
[Tom grabs him in a chokehold]
Paramedic: [screaming] Stop! Stop!
[Tom lets him go]
Paramedic: [cowering as he advances on her] No... please.
Tom: To answer your question, no. I don't expect you to feel sorry for me. 'Cause I sure as hell don't feel sorry for you.
[she screams as he grabs her and throws her onto the seat and gets on top of her]
Tom: Let it happen!