The Best Patrick Chong-Nee Quotes

Amaya: How are we supposed to find Blackbeard in this rabble?
Ray: Well, we could ask a pirate nicely.
Nate: Nicely? Ray, pirates are terrified of Blackbeard. They're not just gonna offer up...
Toothless: [holding a sword to his throat] So, you're looking for Blackbeard? How do I know you's not spies for the Royal Navy?
Mick: [Amaya fights him off] Because we wanna join Blackbeard's crew, you germ.

Mick: Captain wants to see you.
Nate: Aw, man, Sara's here?
Mick: Not that one, you dumbass. I'm talking about the most fearsome pirate queen to sail the seven seas: the Dread Pirate Jiwe.
[indicating the depressed Amaya]
Mick: She needs to loosen up.
Nate: [catching on] Yeah. I heard she once cut out a man's tongue for not obeying her orders.
Mick: Yeah... and she still carries it to this day.
Toothless: I never heard of no lady pirate.
Ray: That's because dead men tell no tales.
Scottish: They say she lost her ship to a kraken, and in retribution, she hunted down the monster's wee bairn and ate the gupper raw.
Barkeep: I heard she was spat back out o' hell by the devil himself.
Barrel: I hear she be more bold and fearless than Captain Blackbeard.
[Blackbeard appears in the door threshold]
Barrel: Begging your pardon, Captain.
Blackbeard: What was that you said?
Barrel: I have it under good authority we be in the company of the Dread Pirate Jiwe.
Amaya: [quietly] Why is everyone staring at me?
Mick: If there's one thing pirates love more than treasure, it's a good story.