The Best Peter Quotes

Peter: Come on, let's go out and celebrate me - on you.
Robert: Well, I'd love to, but actually we're staying in to celebrate Sol's depression.
Peter: [chuckles] Isn't that every night here?

Peter: Congrats on the marriage. Hope it lasts longer than mine.
Grace: Well, I'm sure there's a sad story in there, but would you vodka up this mimosa? And while you're at it, hold the orange juice and the champagne. And the champagne flute. Bring me a bottle of vodka.

Peter: It's a classic Sophie's choice... but more relate-able.

Peter: We open next week, and you have never once gotten the words to "Trouble" right. Get over here right now. We are going to run it until you're a well-oiled marine.
Robert: I think it's machine.
Peter: It's marine. Be gayer!

Robert: An open relationship is not for us. But a relationship with windows where we can bask in the heat of the day together when there's something hot nearby, that we can handle.
Peter: You guys have really rooted out the most un-fun corners of being gay.