The Best Young Ronald Quotes

Young: If you think about it, if you really weigh the pros and cons, the choice for prom court is obvious. The girls look to me as the head of the collegiate club. The boys look to Ronnie as athlete of the year. Ada, I can count on your vote, right?
[seeing she's distracted]
Young: Ada? Are you still with us?
Young: Sorry.
Young: Why are you such a kook tonight?
Young: I feel... guilty.
Young: You have nothing to feel guilty about.
Young: All she talked about was the prom, and now I'm the one here and she isn't. And I shouldn't have come tonight. I should have just stayed home like I planned.
Young: Ada, your former best friend doesn't know when to close her mouth or her legs. Does she, Ronald?
Young: No. No, she doesn't.

Young: This is a classy event. And like my father says, "Rock and roll music is like listening to the drums of deepest, darkest Africa."
Young: Your dad hasn't been past Lake Simcoe. What the heck does he know about Africa?
Young: All I'm saying is who needs Mick Jagger and that awful tongue of his when you've got Frankie Valli or the Beach Boys?
Young: Have you ever really listened to "Pet Sounds" by the Beach Boys? It's far more psychedelic and in the world of Jefferson Airplane and the Who.
[seeing Sonja's look]
Young: But I think Frankie Valli's groovy.