The Best Berlin Betty Quotes

Berlin: I think of you as a very young, charming, attractive man, who doesn't want to see his countrymen killed. That is a patriot.
Newkirk: I like that description.
Berlin: Patriot?
Newkirk: Attractive and charming.

Berlin: Colonel Klink?
Col. Klink: Yes, I am.
Berlin: You must be Corporal Newkirk.
[Newkirk gulps]
Berlin: [notices that Klink's coat is catching fire from Newkirk's cigar] Colonel, I believe you're on fire.
[Klink nods]
Newkirk: No, I am.
Col. Klink: You're right.
[notices that his coat is smoking]
Col. Klink: FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!
[Newkirk throws water onto the smoking spot of Klink's coat]
Newkirk: There, that ought to do it, sir.
Col. Klink: Thank you so much.
Berlin: Corporal Newkirk, Dr. Goebels' most grateful for your contribution to the Third Reich, and of course, to your own country. You will be amply rewarded.
Newkirk: Thank you, Fraulein.
Berlin: Betty?
[looking coyly at Newkirk]
Newkirk: Thank you, Betty. I've already written me speech. Would you like to take a look at it?
[takes out his speech and shows it to Berlin Betty]
Berlin: Yes, I... I believe that will be most effective, but, uh, perhaps we should discuss this privately. Mm?
Col. Klink: And I thought perhaps you might be able to use me on your broadcast. I'm told I have a fantastic voice.
Berlin: Really?
Col. Klink: Oh, yes. In the Luftwaffe, I was always chosen to broadcast from the tower because of my, uh, resonance, my projection, and my incredible diction.
Berlin: How interesting.
Col. Klink: [imitating calling on an airfield radio, with one hand to his ear, simulating an earpiece] Schwartz Airfield calling Messerschmitt 2... 7... 1...
Newkirk: I haven't heard a voice like that since Eric von Stroheim.
Berlin: Now, would you mind, Colonel? I would like to discuss the Corporal's speech with him. Uh, may we use your quarters?
Col. Klink: Why, of course! Everything is ready! Schultz!