The Best Blanca Quotes

[last lines]
Mike: Listen up. Before we get started, I just want to say, whether you've been in America for hundreds of years like your families
[gestures toward Robertsons]
Mike: or an American for just two days,
[pats Blanca on the shoulder]
Mike: I feel blessed to be sharing this country will all of you. Want to do the honors?
[gestures to Brody]
Brody: Sure. Let's pray. Lord our God is one God. We pray that we love you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and we pray that we love our neighbor as ourself. There is no greater commandment than this. Amen.
Mike: Amen.
Mike: All right.

Vanessa: Boyd is learning Spanish at his new school.
Blanca: And I will say, with *that* they are doing a very good job.
Mike: Why are they teaching him Spanish in the first grade?
Vanessa: Well, honey, it's a bilingual school. The teacher says everything in English and then says it again in Spanish.
Mike: So you work twice as hard to learn half as much.
Vanessa: Or they are learning twice as much because they're learning another language.
Mike: How do they even understand "twice as much" if there's no time for math?

Mike: [to Mandy] You can't hide from the U.S government forever
Blanca: My cousin's been doing it for 11 years, I mean what cousin?

Mike: Hi, Blanca.
Blanca: Welcome home, Mr. Mike. I have your favorite, a frosty mug and spiced nuts on the tray.
Mike: Thank you. You know when an American woman serves your nuts on a tray it means somethin' totally different.
Blanca: But, Mr. Mike, an American woman did serve nuts to you.
[points to American flag pinned to her apron]
Mike: No way. Oh, congratulations.
[hugs Blanca]
Blanca: Thank you.
Mike: That is such good news.
Blanca: It's good to be here, I mean to *really* be here.
Mike: Now you're part of the club. Confidentially, at the Alamo, we weren't really trying.