The Best Brannigan Quotes

[to the Doctor]
Thomas: And who might you be? You're very well dressed for a hitch-hiker!

Valerie: [referring to the Doctor] He's completely insane!
Brannigan: That, and a bit magnificent!

[the Doctor has leapt out of bottom of the Brannigan's car onto a car a few feet below]
Valerie: He's completely insane.
Brannigan: That, and a little bit magnificent.

The: You've been driving for two months?
Thomas: Do I look like a teenager? We've been driving for 12 years now.
The: [in disbelief] Sorry?
Thomas: Yeah, started out as newly weds. Feels like yesterday.
Valerie: Feels like 12 years to me.

Thomas: This Martha, she must mean a lot to you.
The: Hardly know her. I was too busy showing off.

Alice: We're not sisters, we're married!
Thomas: Ooooh, none of that modern talk, I'm an old fashioned cat.

[the Doctor has jumped onto another vehicle]
Valerie: He's completely insane!
Thomas: That, and a bit magnificent.