The Best British General Quotes

[first lines]
British: [Col. Hogan enters his office] Hogan.
[closes the door to his office]
British: Bit of a dirty trick flying into London for an hour, being a free man, and then dropping you back at Stalag 13.
Col. Hogan: Breaks up the day, sir.
British: [laughs] You're a good man.
[pulls down a map]
British: Guess what this is.
Col. Hogan: D-Day, sir?
British: D-Day, and forget you saw it.
[rolls the map back up]
British: Now, I can't tell you the exact date, but I can tell you this much: You have to be clear on the highest level of intelligence- the old man himself. But, the date will be soon.
Col. Hogan: It's been a long time coming, sir.
British: A long time. And we don't want any mistakes- not on our part.
Col. Hogan: Yes, sir.
British: Of course, we could use a few mistakes form Jerry. And that's why you're here, Hogan. Have a drink?
Col. Hogan: No thanks, sir.
British: Well, don't mind if I do. Now, the German General Staff knows something is up. They're meeting tomorrow to pend a strategy- *that* we know for a fact.
Col. Hogan: Very good intelligence, sir.
British: And we know more. Our bombers have pounded just about every spot in Germany they've used for a meeting place. So they're going where they don't think we'll follow them- Stalag 13.
Col. Hogan: You're gonna bomb us?
British: [nods] It's been brought up. And we check it. Which is where you come in, Hogan. Sit down.
[Col. Hogan walks to the chair in front of his desk and sits down]
British: Hogan, you have quite a reputation for the offbeat, the bizarre, and for bringing it off.
Col. Hogan: I have a good crew, sir.
British: You're going to need them. Now, sometime in the next very few days, the greatest Amphibious force in history is going to hit the coast of France. When it does, we need desperately some indecision from the Germans before they react. Hogan, we want nothing less from you than to tie up the German General Staff. Can you do it?
Col. Hogan: I must say, sir, it's quite a challenge.
British: That's good enough. The means, we leave up to you.
Col. Hogan: Thank you, sir.
British: Oh, and one more thing. Our informant will also be at Stalag 13. She's the wife of General von Scheider- German Chief of Staff.
Col. Hogan: That's a pretty good informant.
British: Well, yes and no. You see, we founded her years ago before she married von Scheider. And after that, we lost contact with her, deliberately. Too risky. And now, there's no reason to hold back. This is it. Use her if you can, Hogan. But remember, she has been away for almost a long time. Don't trust her completely unless you have to.
Col. Hogan: Yes, sir.
British: [opens his office door] Good luck, Hogan.
Col. Hogan: Thanks.
[they salute]
British: Carry on.