The Best Bryan Ingram Quotes

Bryan: Hey, Rach, are you almost ready to go? Soon as Alan gets here, we're leaving.
Rachel: Don't hate me. I slept like crap. I've got a bowling ball strapped to my belly. I'm sorry.
Bryan: It's okay. Don't apologize.
Rachel: I really wanted to go. I got an Elvira wig and everything.
Bryan: I know. Next Halloween, okay?
Rachel: My boobs won't be this big next Halloween.

Bryan: Hey, how about I stay home, too, then? Alan can go to the party by himself. Five minutes there, the guy's gonna make ten new friends, you know that.
Rachel: No, no. You guys go and have fun. I'm just gonna stick around here, make some popcorn, find a scary movie to watch and go to bed.
Bryan: Are you sure about that, little lady?
Rachel: Positive.
Bryan: Yeah? Okay.
Rachel: Lose the scarf. You look like Liberace.
Rachel: No, I don't. I look cool.