The Best Buster Brady Quotes

Buster: [about the Christmas crackers he's made] I'm using gunpowder from fireworks to make the crackers crack.
Agnes: [cheekily to the audience] What could go wrong?

Buster: Oh, that Robin.
Agnes: Who's Robbin'
Buster: Me.
Agnes: You wanna give that up son.
Dermot: No Mammy, he not going to be robbin', he's going to BE Robin.
Agnes: When?
Dermot: In a few days.
Agnes: He's not robbin today.
Dermot: Obviously.
Agnes: Be he's going to be robbin' and you think thats alright?
Dermot: Mammy, you're getting confused.
Buster: Dermot, can I explain?
Dermot: This should be good.
Buster: You see Mrs Brown, Robin is good and I'm going to be Robin, so if I'm Robin Robin, then there will be no robbin' because Robin he's not into robbin'
Agnes: Like Batman and Robin.
Buster: Yeah.
Dermot: Seriously? You got it from that?
Agnes: I thought it was perfectly clear.

[Buster is being sick in the closet toilet and Rory knocks on the door]
Rory: [thinking it's Mammy] Are you in there?
Buster: Yes!
Rory: Mammy, you need to know, I'm gay. I love Deano and I want the world to know. Are you upset?
[Buster throws up and Rory becomes upset]
Rory: Oh Mammy I knew you'd take it hard! But please try to think of my happiness!
[Buster throws up again and Rory falls to the floor, crying]
Rory: Oh Mammy! How can I be happy? Please try to think of me!
Agnes: [arriving] Well you can get off the fecking floor for starters.
[Rory screams]
Agnes: [startled] What is wrong with you?
Rory: Mammy, I need to come out of the closet!
Agnes: Wait till Buster finishes to go in first!

[after failing to kill the turkey]
Buster: I couldn't do it! He said my name! "Bub-bub Buster!"