The Best Cathy Brown Quotes

Cathy: Mammy, it's not just Teddy Brannigan, is it? No man I ever meet will be good enough for you, will they?
Agnes: Where did I leave my violin?
Cathy: I'm going to me room.
Agnes: Go to your room Oh, Jesus! How could you do that? How could you beat your mother?
Cathy: I brushed off you!
Agnes: You beat me! Oh, my Jesus It's gone dead! It's gone dead, look, it's feckin' dead! Look it's feckin' Oh, Cathy, I can't turn left! It's spreading Oh!
Agnes: Jesus Christ, I've gone blind! Cathy!
Cathy: I'm going!
Agnes: Is she still there?
Cathy: This is ridiculous!
Agnes: Cathy! Cathy, wait! Cathy, please Cathy, let me explain! Cathy Cath Don't bring me up them feckin' stairs! You saw that, now. I was minding my own business and she feckin' attacked me! This is because she forgot the feckin' badges. I tell you now, if Jesus Christ appears to me and asks me to sacrifice a child she's feckin' gone!

Agnes: [phone is ringing] Is that your phone?
Cathy: No.
Agnes: Of course not. You wouldn't bring your phone into the fucking studio. IT'S OUR PHONE!
Agnes: [answers it] Hello? For fuck's sake, Kieron.
[hands it to the cameraman again]

Cathy: [after finding out the date she dumped due to his being short hooked up with Sharon right after] Sharon!
Sharon: You don't know what you missed. Little jockey... BIG whip!

Rory: What's fun?
Agnes: Trivial Pursuit.
Rory: Ah Jesus, no!
Agnes: It's only a game.
Cathy: Not when you play it Mummy.
Rory: Last year Dino had to have counselling.

Cathy: This nativity play's gone to your head! Just have the baby appear in the crib. That's what everybody else does.
Agnes: I don't want to do what everybody else does! I've watched these nativity plays over the years, and the one thing they always leave out is the actual birth.
Cathy: So what?
Agnes: So what? We go through our lives being told how Jesus suffered for our sins. And not one mention of how Mary suffered so that Jesus could suffer. Well, not in this nativity play.
Cathy: You are mad.
Agnes: No. I am a mother!