The Best Fiona O'Carroll Quotes

Maria: [discussing Agnes' method for dealing with Bono's bully] For God's sake. What are we going to do now, Father?
Father: I think we need to get Betty and Mrs. Curtain together and then try talk this out.
Agnes: I have an idea. Why...
Maria: I have a line before that
Agnes: [everyone's breaking character] I have an idea. Let her do her line.
Production: [from offstage] I think we better get Betty and Mrs. Curtain together.
Agnes: Is that not dangerous? Cause for him to get it right once is fucking rare.
Father: Just blame the priest. That's what he's here for.
Agnes: Yes, we always do. He has his foot up my front while he's doing that.
Maria: Very tough.
Father: That's not my foot!