The Best Capt. Bill Daly Quotes

NSA: [intercut between interviews] Let's start simply. After the plane left Jamaica, where did you land?
Capt. Bill Daly: We never landed anywhere until we landed right here.
NSA: Now tell me what really happened.
Co: Took off on time. Arrived 3 hours and 19 minutes later.
Flight: Is this some kind of a stunt? For god's sake!
Saanvi: It makes no sense.
Capt. Bill Daly: Clear air, heavy chop. Instruments never detected a thing.
Radd: Turbulence. Like the roof was going to come right off, you know?

Cal: Um, excuse me, mister? You're the pilot, right?
Capt. Bill Daly: I sure am.
Cal: My dad said sometimes pilots give kids wings. You have any wings I could have?
Capt. Bill Daly: Sorry, kiddo. Uh, they just got clipped.
Cal: It's okay. Thanks for bringing us home.

Capt. Bill Daly: Terrible sorry, folks. That was extreme turbulence resulting from a sudden weather surge that was not on the radar. Rest assured, engines' controls are okay. But please keep those seat belts fastened.