The Best Drea Mikami Quotes

Drea: Be careful you're not stepping on someone else's turf, Vasquez.

Cal: [notices that She is pregnant, Surprised] Oh my God! You're... How...
Drea: Come on. Don't tell me you haven't heard about the birds and the bees yet.
Cal: Surprising! Uh, congratulations!

Drea: I think I've done a pretty good job of turning the other way, but honestly, I don't know if I can be your partner anymore if you're not gonna be straight with me. So, it's time. The truth. Right now.
Michaela: Okay, and what if the truth is impossible to believe?
Drea: You came back from the dead. I dare you to try to top that.

- You should be, too.
- Once we're out,
- I'll be coming for you, right after I pay a visit to your little blonde girlfriend.
Drea: Hey! Hey!
- Knock it off!
- Always got the ladies helping you out, huh, detective?
- Forget him.

Drea: It's okay to have feelings about your ex being on her honeymoon.
Jared: No feelings, Drea. I'm good.

- And by the sounds of it, she's not alone.
- So cut me loose, or you'll never find out what's inside that wing.
- Guess you weren't just getting some ice from the fridge earlier.
- Down on your knees! Now!
Drea: Get down! Now!

Michaela: Do not look at me like that. I'm just enjoying things being back to normal.
Drea: I didn't say anything. I was just appreciating some casual banter between two people who used to be engaged to be married.

Drea: You know, my dad always said that stubbornness in the face of an impossible obstacle is a waste of time.
Jared: I'm guessing you didn't listen.
Drea: Oh, I'm persistent, not stubborn.

- I gotta go.
Drea: Seriously?
- Tell her I'm sorry.

Drea: This isn't on you, Erika. Adrian and Eagan are using you to do their dirty work.
Erika: Adrian and Eagan are trying to save the world. It's Ben and Michaela Stone who want to destroy it.

Drea: [on phone] Wow, teamwork makes the dream work. Forget that I said that.
Jared: That's gonna be glued in my memory now. Thanks.