The Best Matt Long Quotes

Zeke: Why do you always have to run toward the danger?
Michaela: Because it's literally my job.

Zeke: Am I dead?
Michaela: No, but... that would be easier to explain.

Zeke: Believe me, I couldn't be more grateful. I didn't think I'd live much beyond our wedding night, let alone get to take the most epic trip in honeymoon history.

Zeke: [Michaela's phone rings] Who's calling us on our honeymoon?
Michaela: Hopefully, someone with some good news.
[answering the call]
Michaela: Hello?
Cal: Auntie Mick! Help! Help!
Jace: Shut that kid up.
Michaela: Listen, you sick...
Jace: No, you listen, bitch! You have two choices. You get us back our stash, or you bury your nephew!
Michaela: Don't you dare touch him!
Jace: Don't tempt me. I warned you. Now you're gonna pay.

Zeke: Michaela... we'll never have enough time to do everything that we want, to create all the memories we'd like, but having you believe in me, care for me, love me has been the greatest gift of my life. And I vow, however long I'm privileged to be your husband, to fill your world with all the love you deserve.
Michaela: Zeke, I want to be the best wife that I can be, which to me means I will stand beside you, loving you and supporting you in whatever choices you make in your life. I will never give up on you. And I will fight for your life, our life together for as long as we both shall live.

Zeke: Wish in your Calling I'd gotten a clearer sense of what they're up to. I mean, I don't know if Adrian wants to kill someone or if something he does is gonna get someone killed. Or something he says.
Michaela: He and Eagan are recruiting 828ers, telling them that the passenger registry is Ben's fault, my fault. They're radicalizing people using our names, and now someone might die because of it. We gotta stop them.

Lady at the counter where Zeke is counselling: His last counselor almost quit. How do you get through to these people?
Zeke: They do all the work. I just feel their pain.

Zeke: The divine consciousness has infinite space, infinite time, but we're doing what we do best, connecting with each other.

Zeke: Wow... The Callings really do follow us wherever we go.
Michaela: Or tell us where we need to be.

Gordon: Zeke, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me most.
Zeke: Me, too. Look, when I'm gone, mom's gonna need a friend. I'm gonna need you to step up and be there for her. She's not gonna want it, but she'll need it.

Zeke: Some families aren't meant to be together.

Zeke: I've been staying alive, but I haven't been living.

Michaela: Zeke, I hate it here. Can't I just come stay with you instead?
Zeke: [Joking] You'd just try to redecorate the place. And I like the blinding, bright-white aesthetic.
Michaela: To say nothing of the infinite knowledge of past and future part either.
Zeke: To say nothing of the infinite knowledge of past and future part either. I wish I could tell you everything that's gonna happen, Mick.
Michaela: Tell me.
Zeke: I can't. If I tell you about the future, it'll change your decisions. I can't risk messing with your free will.

Zeke: I know guys like that
[James Griffin]
Zeke: . They don't listen to words. They only understand brute force.
Ben: It's hard to believe that's what the calling wants.

Zeke: I've been so focused on making others' pain go away, I forgot about me. My pain. And now I have no room left to process it.

- to find out about the callings.
- Well, I guess it's the government's lucky day.
Zeke: [ Echoing ]
- Stop him!
Michaela: [ Echoing ] Stop him!
Ben: [ Echoing ] Stop him!
- Griffin!

Zeke: Hey, bud. How's it going?
Cal: Good.
Zeke: [sitting down on the bed] I'm getting a Calling. Cal is lying his butt off.
[he chuckles, but sees Cal isn't amused]
Zeke: Talk to me.
Cal: I thought weddings were supposed to be fun, but what's fun about...
Zeke: Me dying? Yeah. But, hey... we still have some time together. And we haven't even done the best part of planning a wedding: the bachelor party.
Cal: Seriously?
Zeke: You're my best man. You gotta throw me a killer party.

- I now, apparently, have superpowers.
- Go figure.
Saanvi: [ Echoing ] Stop him!
Zeke: [ Echoing ] Stop him!
Ben: [ Echoing ] Stop him!
Michaela: [ Echoing ] Stop him!

Zeke: I don't know how I can ever thank you, Cal. You saved my life, in more ways than one. You introduced me to your Aunt Mick, you know? You gave me the best bachelor party I've ever been to. You be good, little man.
Cal: [hugging him, crying] Don't go, please. I-I need you.
Zeke: I'll always be here for you, with you, okay?
Cal: [giving him the race car Monopoly token] And I'll always be with you.

- Derek's got nothing to do with this.
- Look, no one said that the Callings were gonna be easy.
- They often get you to confront the most painful parts of your past.
Zeke: I think the Calling's trying to tell you there's no running anymore,
- Pete.

Zeke: Angelina's intense, but she truly loves Eden, and Eden loves her back.
Grace: Is this your famous empathic ability that I've been hearing so much about?
Zeke: Actually, it is. I can... I can feel it.

Zeke: You all right?
Michaela: I am better than all right. I'm with you. That's all that matters.
Zeke: So you're glad you said "I do"?
Michaela: Yeah. Of course.
Zeke: I know you've had reservations. Just didn't know if you still had second thoughts.
Michaela: Our situation is anything but normal. But I love you. Don't ever doubt that.

Zeke: A person can't freeze to death in a cave and then, a year later, walk out alive. Not on planet Earth. This is Earth, right?
Michaela: Yes, it is.

Zeke: Couldn't sleep? I've already got you beat on the cold feet.
Michaela: It's a big day. There's a lot to think about.
Zeke: Yeah.
[sitting down next to her]
Zeke: Your going through with this means the world to me. Having our families together, celebrating us... that's the memory I want to hold onto. You get that, right?
Michaela: I do, but... you can have all of that and still do a quick round of treatments.
Zeke: No more meds. No more needles. Just an epic wedding, a honeymoon, and a last night in your arms.

Zeke: I'm just here to help. The thing about addiction, it can feel like... Feels like there's no way out. Feels like counseling is useless. It feels like...
Patient: It is useless.
Zeke: Like I said, feels that way. I've been in your seat. A few times.
Patient: How'd you get out?
Zeke: Most of us self-medicate to make our demons go away. I finally realized my demons weren't going anywhere. They're a part of me. And they can rule my life, or they can make me stronger.
Zeke: Stop trying to hide from your pain.
Zeke: Let it out. It's okay. It's okay.
Zeke: Let it out.

Zeke: No one's ever done anything like that for me. You didn't just storm the castle. You burned it to the ground.
Michaela: Yeah, well, you weren't supposed to be inside.
Zeke: Now what?
Michaela: How does a home cooked meal sound?
Zeke: You busted me outta jail. Least I can do us cook for you.
Michaela: Yeah, that's true.

Zeke: What are you giving her?
Alex: A dopamine antagonist that's helpful in psych cases. It should stabilize her and hopefully slow down whatever's got her running on overdrive.
[as the drug takes effect, Saanvi falls unconscious]
Alex: Sleep well, Vi.
Zeke: What do we do now?
Alex: Now we wait. And hope she doesn't need to go to the ER.

Michaela: I thought that I had.
Michaela: I tried really hard. What if I'm not ready? What if... what if I don't wanna let go of the guilt because... it's the only thing I have left? If I let it go, then there's nothing connecting me to her.
Zeke: Then don't.
Michaela: Don't...
Zeke: Don't let go. Hang on to the guilt if you need to. There's no shame in that. Believe me, I carry my guilt all over the place. It's a part of us, and you can use that part however you want. Our pain can become our strength. This is your life. Live it by your truth.

Zeke: [after the looters take all the persons in the bank as hostage] Calling brought us here for this?

Alex: I'm sorry, I-I don't know what's going on here, but I already told Saanvi I can't see her anymore. It's too hard.
Zeke: I-I know. I'm sorry. Saanvi wanted to respect your wishes, but this is... she really needs your help.
Alex: She doesn't, though. She just needs someone to ask the right questions. Her research is...
Zeke: This isn't about her research. Saanvi's in trouble medically. She was working on a treatment and-and testing it on herself. She didn't want me to say anything, but...
Alex: The blackouts. Last week, she told me she was forgetting things. I-I thought it might be stress-related, told her to see someone. But she didn't, though, did she?
Zeke: You're the only doctor she trusts. Please. I'm afraid for her life.

Zeke: After the sugar rush comes the sugar crash. I'm gonna need a nap.
Cal: We're not done yet.
Zeke: Monopoly? Haven't played this in ages. I don't know if we have time, though, bud. We should... we should probably get downstairs and help set up.
Cal: How many more chances are you gonna have to play?
Zeke: All right. Let's go.
Cal: Do you think there might be a way for you to beat the Death Date?
Zeke: I don't know. What do you think?
Cal: Well... before the plane disappeard, no one thought I could beat cancer, but here I am.
Zeke: True. Somehow, I think this is a little bit different.
[Cal hugs him tightly]
Zeke: You threw me the best bachelor party I could ask for. Too bad I'm gonna have to crush you at Monopoly.
Cal: You think you're gonna beat me? Please!

Zeke: Where you lead, I will follow.
Michaela: Zeke, you don't have to come.
Zeke: Hell, I don't. I might not like you going into danger, but I'm not gonna let you do it alone. Besides, I've been dead before, a couple of times.