The Best Grace Stone Quotes

Grace: Do you think they're looking for Cal?
Ben: If they are, it's a good sign. Means they don't have him. At least, not yet.

- after I saw government SUVs heading back to the city.
- Guess the Major called off the dogs.
Grace: He's out of it.
- He collapsed as soon as he arrived.
- And no I.D.
- We don't know who he is or why Cal came to meet him.

Ben: I mean, how long has it been since you and I went out to dinner?
Grace: My time or yours?

Grace: What's the plane blowing up supposed to mean?
Ben: It's gotta be a sign. The question is, of what?
Michaela: I mean, you said it yourself. Maybe the Callings are trying to teach us something. Why else would you get a vision of the plane right before Zeke's Death Date?
Ben: But Zeke wasn't on the plane, Mick. I-I think you're grasping.
Michaela: Ben, for months you've been saying that our only hope of surviving the Death Date is by following these Callings. I know, okay? I know it's a long shot, but if there's any way of saving Zeke, you gotta figure out what it means.
Ben: All right. I'll drive out to the airport. I'll see if there's maybe something at the explosion site.
Grace: Just please be back in time for the wedding.
Ben: Promise. I'll be there.

Zeke: Angelina's intense, but she truly loves Eden, and Eden loves her back.
Grace: Is this your famous empathic ability that I've been hearing so much about?
Zeke: Actually, it is. I can... I can feel it.

Ben: I am so sorry. I went too far. I knew it in the moment, and I know it now.
Grace: Am I losing you?
Ben: No, I'm still me. I'm still the same person I've always been.

Angelina: You're opening a restaurant?
Grace: A nice little cafe, using our dad's recipes. I think it'll be a nice way to honor my brother's memory.

- Come on, buddy.
- We made a deal, right?
- You've gotta tell us what's going on.
- I can't.
Grace: Cal, please.
- Whatever it is, we will figure it out together.
- I can only tell Zeke.

Grace: How are the kids?
Michaela: Oh, I just got home, but apparently, they didn't burn the house down.

- I know second pregnancies can be so hard.
- Pulled in every dire--
- I have to run.
- My husband's waiting for me.
- Holly!
- Come on.
- What are you doing?
Grace: [ Echoing ]
- Open her eyes.

- Keep it. I can make more.
- You made these?
- We can't be friends.
- Oh.
- But I offer free refills.
- Solidarity!
- Thanks.
Grace: [ Echoing ]
- Open her eyes.

Grace: Olive is already exposed to this. And besides, who can work the Internet better than a teenager?
Ben: Fair point.

Grace: Honey... what was the Calling? What happened in it?
Cal: We were about to die.

- About time.
- Where are you?
- I know where Cal Stone is.
- Grace.
Grace: They're leaving.
- Where are they going?
- Maybe they found him.

Grace: [Michaela notices a stitched throw pillow] Your mom made it after...
Michaela: That cheesy verse was her mantra. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's the last thing she said to me.

Grace: I have so much to apologize to you for.
Ben: We don't have to get into this now.
Grace: No, I know. I just... I have spent every day of the last five years blaming you. Not only for taking that later flight, but for making Cal so desperate for your attention that he wanted to stay with you. I had maybe, what, six months left with him? And even that you took away from me. But the thing is... I realize now that... for Cal to be here with us today... for Olive to have her twin alive, to maybe grow up beside her... Cal had to be on that plane. He had to.
Ben: [giving her a comforting hug] Oh, what you've both been through. The only reason we were on that trip in the first place was because you insisted... and bribed me with sex.
[they share a laugh]
Ben: So if anyone saved Cal... I'm pretty sure it was you.
Grace: No. This is bigger than us.

- Like, a legit simulation.
- Mm.
- Successful mission.
- Thanks for taking her.
- Bye.
Grace: So, was it fun?
- Yeah.

Dr. Williams: His cell count is exactly the same. We're right where we were. It's amazing. It's truly amazing.
Ben: So we pick up with the same regimen, right where we left off?
Dr. Williams: Well, that would be our backup plan, but there's a new treatment protcol for pediatric cases within Cal's profile. It's a game changer.
Ben: Game changer how?
Dr. Williams: Well, it's still in the phase 3 trial, so we have to apply for him to join the patient group, which I'll do right now. If we get him admitted and we get a jump on the treatment, the odds are excellent.
Ben: Uh, can we manage some expectations here? You said six months. You implied it would take a miracle.
Grace: Earth to Ben. You all came back to us. You are sitting here right now, baby. A miracle just happened.

Olive: Um... what just happened?
TJ: It *is* all connected.
Grace: What was that in the sky? Was that... Flight 828?
Ben: Buddy, is that what you saw?
Cal: I think so.
Ben: Is it possible? Were Al-Zuras' ship and Flight 828 somehow in the same place at the same time?
TJ: The same storm?
Ben: How? What does that mean for us?

Ben: You okay?
Grace: Yeah.
Ben: Usually you're the optimist. I'm doom and gloom, remember?
Grace: I am optimistic. And so grateful.
Ben: Said the woman looking like she's about to toss her cookies.

Grace: Hey, boyo. Did you have fun exploring the woods?
Cal: Yeah, I saw a peacock.
Tarik: Like a lawn ornament? That's flamingo, kiddo.
Cal: I know what a peacock looks like.
Tarik: Do you? 'Cause I've lived here my whole life... never seen a peacock.

Michaela: Look, I know you probably don't want, uh, Ms. Bad Influence hanging around the kids. I would get...
Grace: Michaela, no. M-Michaela... this is your home. For as long as you'd like. That's ancient history.
Michaela: It was two days ago for me. I am still the same screw-up that you said goodbye to in Jamaica.
Grace: The universe just gave all of us a do-over. Everything that happened before goes out the window.

Grandma: Michaela Beth, even people that have made mistakes deserve happiness. You know my favorite verse: "All things work together for good."
Michaela: I don't believe that anymore, mom. How can I?
Michaela: Which is why, when I got the chance to stay away from home for even a few more hours, I jumped at it.
Airport: All passengers for Flight 537 to New York, John F. Kennedy Airport, your attention please. This flight is oversold. We are offering travel vouchers in the amount of $400 for anyone willing to take a later flight.
Michaela: Yes. That's me.
Grace: No.
Ben: It's $400 per person. That's our next trip down to the Mayo Clinic.
Cal: I'll stay with dad.
Ben: [high-fiving] There you go. Man time.
Michaela: [voiceover] So Grace and Olive and my folks took the first flight home, while Ben and Cal and I waited for Flight 828. Funny how one little decision can ruin your life. But also save it.

Grace: [reunited with Ben and Cal] I don't understand. How are you exactly the same? You... haven't aged a day.
Ben: [recognizing his now teenage daughter] Olive.

Eagan: It happened. Same dark clouds, but this time, it was dumping rain and there was a lion.
Ben: Whoa. A lion lion?
Eagan: Yes, Dorothy. It was roaring in my face. I thought it was gonna rip my freaking head off.
Grace: [quips, angry that Eagan had earlier kidnapped Ben] Too bad it wouldn't find a heart.
Eagan: Touché.

Michaela: My stomach is in knots. I thought... I thought maybe Ben might have found something that would help save Zeke and this would all make sense, or-or I'd get a sign, a voice, a vision, something that told me that marrying him and letting him end his treatments was the right thing to do, but none of that's happened. So... I can't go through with this.
Grace: Mick.
Michaela: [Ben enters] Tell me you found something. Please, anything, Ben.
Ben: I did.
Michaela: [he hands her a gift bag, and she takes out what's inside] Is this... is this mom's veil?
Ben: It is.
Grace: I mean, that's a pretty big sign if there ever was one.
Michaela: How did you find it?
Ben: The Calling. All good things, Mick. All good things.

Grace: You are my family, Tarik. You're my only brother.
Tarik: So you figured I'd be the one person to always be there for you, no matter what, right?
Grace: Right.
Tarik: Wrong.

Grace: Okay, Cal, I know this is hard. But it's hard for everyone. You haven't helped at all, and now you're messing up my piles.
Grace: Yeah. They're your piles. Your brother. What about me? I didn't have a choice about coming here.

Ben: I need a job. If we luck into this treatment, chances are it's gonna cost a fortune, and work insurance won't pay for it.
Grace: We don't know that. It pays for Olive's therapy.
Ben: She goes to therapy?
Grace: Yeah. Twice a week. For years now. Early on, she didn't even want to leave the house, let alone ride in a car or go to school. She couldn't have sleepovers 'cause of the nightmares. I mean, most of that's gone now, thank god.
Ben: She grew up too fast.
Grace: She had no choice.

Ben: I know, Grace. But people died. Until we know for sure it's unrelated, I...
Grace: Wait. The people who died... that happened right away?
Ben: Within a few days of learning about the callings.
Grace: Okay, so... let's just make sure this theory is definitively disproven. All I have to do is... live, right?

Grace: So... Team Stone has been full steam ahead. I've got all the mushroom puffs, blinis, and tartlets your little hearts could desire. And Ben has been in construction mode...
Michaela: Oh.
Grace: ...since the crack of dawn.
Michaela: Yeah, no, of course he has. I mean, has the protractor come out?