The Best Olive Stone Quotes

Olive: I'm Olive. This is Angelina, and we'd really love to help.

Angelina: Name one good thing I've done. One thing that's helped anyone.
Olive: You've been my friend.
Angelina: Well, maybe it's only a matter of time before that hurts you, too.

Olive: What happened to Pete is something new. Something that we're all still trying to understand.
Angelina: I'm done trying to understand.

Olive: Look, I... I get what you've been trying to do. I think we all do. But it's... maybe it's time we said goodbye.
Cal: We all miss her. It's okay to... to let go.
Ben: Your mom's gone, and, uh... that almost destroyed me. And still, I... I struggle to breathe. Uh...
[taking out Eden's death certificate]
Ben: I owe it to her. To all of us. To find Eden. I have to hang on to that hope. I'm never gonna stop looking for her.

- I think we're okay.
Olive: It's not what we thought.
- We didn't understand.
- They all came back together.
- And now they're all being judged together.
[ Crying ] No!

Olive: [Seeing her mom's gate up on phone] Mom, i-it's date night. You're not going to church.

Olive: Yeah, but... this constant need to be in control of everything, that comes from a place of fear. We need to approach this supposed Death Date from a place of hope.

Cal: [asking details about the lady that Cat saw in his calling] Old? Young?
Cal: Old.
Olive: [after Michaela Stone confirms about Angelina Meyer on phone]
[to Cal]
Olive: You said she was old.
Cal: Compared to me.

- Oh, my God.
Olive: [ Muffled ] Mom!
[ Sobbing ] Mom!
- We need to go home.
- Cal --
- Cal!

Olive: June 2, 2024.
- It's always been you.
- I want you out of here before she comes back.
- Michaela and I, we're meant to be together.
- Back off!
- Put the gun down.

- What are you doing?
Olive: Our little secret.

Olive: Dad. What are you doing here?
Ben: Checking out the team. You guys look good.
Olive: Thanks. Parents don't usually show up to practice.
Ben: Well, this parent's got some catching up to do.

Ben: I saw this exact lightning bolt outside just now.
TJ: Yeah, I did, too. What do you think it means?
[as thunder crashes and lightning flashes, a part of the page lights up]
Ben: Did you see that?
Olive: See what?
TJ: [with another flash of lightning, it happens again] Right there.
Ben: A spider web. I think I know what Cal's trying to build.

- That's weird.
- Do you hear something?
- It sounds like people are screaming.
- Max, something's wrong.
- The door, it's locked.
- No, no, no, no.
- -Hello?!
- -Hey!
Olive: Hello? Let us out!
- People are in here!

Olive: I can't believe this.
- It's like a dream.

Olive: [to Grace, after a truck tried to hit her and Cal] How are you not freaking out?
TJ: Moms are superheroes.

TJ: I came here last year with a classmate. She's 25 now.
Olive: Was she your girlfriend?
TJ: I don't really have too many friends, much less girlfriends. Not that I wouldn't want a girlfriend. And, you know, it's, uh... It'd be different if I, you know, met the right person.
Olive: No. Yeah.
TJ: Yeah.
Olive: Exactly. You just... You just haven't met the right person yet.
TJ: I mean, I haven't "not" met that person.

Ben: What does this say?
TJ: That more bad things are gonna happen.
Ben: TJ! What does this say?
TJ: [translating from Latin] "The cure begat the affliction." According to this, some of Al-Zuras' men tried to get rid of the Callings but ended up going mad. Some even threw themselves overboard. I wonder why.
[as thunder crashes, Ben watches a pen roll across the table]
Olive: Wait. Wait, wait, you guys are seeing things that aren't there. Al-Zuras was a sailor, right? Mom, she's seasick.
Ben: Cal losing his temper, TJ so upset, off-balance, blaming himself. The storm. It's what happened to the men on the boat. I think we're all going mad.

Olive: Um... what just happened?
TJ: It *is* all connected.
Grace: What was that in the sky? Was that... Flight 828?
Ben: Buddy, is that what you saw?
Cal: I think so.
Ben: Is it possible? Were Al-Zuras' ship and Flight 828 somehow in the same place at the same time?
TJ: The same storm?
Ben: How? What does that mean for us?

Olive: Hi. Excuse me. Um, do you know about a tarot-card reader here about three years ago?
Tarot: Sorry, I don't do missing persons.

Angelina: You really think we can survive?
Olive: Zeke did. And I'm not gonna stop trying until I make sure that my family, TJ, and you do, too.

Ben: I... I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for... everything.
Olive: Dad, you don't have to apologize for something that happened to you.
Ben: I made the choice to stay behind.
Olive: It was a long time ago, dad.
Ben: Not for me. Here you've been all this time, stuck picking up the pieces. Even before I got on that plane, I'd been so caught up with trying to help Cal get better so he could live a long life. I... I lost sight of your life. And now you probably feel like you don't know me. But we're gonna fix that. I'm not going anywhere.