The Best Saanvi Bahl Quotes

Saanvi: I just realized that I think there are other forces at play here I hadn't considered.
Ben: Thank you. That makes two of us.

- Right, yeah.
- Thank you.
- Pass these right along.
Saanvi: Alex?
- I just came to tell you that the modification was successful.
- Glad you got what you wanted.
- Thanks to you.

Michaela: I recognize this guy from the airport.
Saanvi: Yeah. Paul Santino. He's a local. His wife was a no-show at the hangar.
Michaela: Abandoned. You and me both, buddy.

NSA: [intercut between interviews] Let's start simply. After the plane left Jamaica, where did you land?
Capt. Bill Daly: We never landed anywhere until we landed right here.
NSA: Now tell me what really happened.
Co: Took off on time. Arrived 3 hours and 19 minutes later.
Flight: Is this some kind of a stunt? For god's sake!
Saanvi: It makes no sense.
Capt. Bill Daly: Clear air, heavy chop. Instruments never detected a thing.
Radd: Turbulence. Like the roof was going to come right off, you know?

NSA: I'm sorry it took so long for me to reach out. I had some... some other business out of the country to attend to. I came as soon as my wife sent me your SOS. It was bold of you to show up at her work, in public.
Saanvi: I didn't have a choice. The Major. She had me fired, had my license revoked, and I need to know why she's after me now.
NSA: She's cutting loose ends. A couple days ago, the switchboard at the DOD lit up like a Christmas tree. The Major found a breakthrough with your research. She needs to make sure what she discovered stays in her hands and her hands only.
Saanvi: She must have cracked it. Gotten rid of the DNA anomaly permanently.
NSA: I think it's time for me to make you disappear.
Saanvi: Run away?
NSA: It's for your own safety.
Saanvi: No, I don't think you understand. I am not hiding from her. I am coming after her.

- I now, apparently, have superpowers.
- Go figure.
Saanvi: [ Echoing ] Stop him!
Zeke: [ Echoing ] Stop him!
Ben: [ Echoing ] Stop him!
Michaela: [ Echoing ] Stop him!

Saanvi: No. No. I will not sacrifice a life to save another. If there is a god at the other end of this frequency, this can't be how she wants to communicate with us.

Ben: How's your research? Anything to help Zeke?
Saanvi: Uh, not since I got fired.
Ben: What?
Saanvi: Yeah, I got kicked out of my lab, had my medical license suspended. My boss tells me the government's involved.
Ben: The Major.
Saanvi: Yeah. Who else? I don't know what to do. I'm desperate. I can't get to my research, and without my license, I can't get my hands on any medication that can help Zeke's hypothermia. I need to figure out why the Major's back. It's why I need to talk to Vance.
Ben: Did you try the travel agency?
Saanvi: It's empty. Called in a Havana 9-1-1, nothing. He just vanished.
[seeing him react]
Saanvi: You know how to reach him.
Ben: Saanvi, he made me promise...
Saanvi: Ben, you are following the Callings to help Zeke! This is my way of helping him. Even if there is a slim chance that I figure this out in time, don't you think that he deserves it? Help me!
Ben: His wife.
Saanvi: You think she knows that he's alive?
Ben: 100%. He told me as much. She's a principal downtown. Now, Vance may not return your call, but he'll never ignore hers.

Saanvi: I think I found the Major's Holy Grail.
- They found that some of the passengers are more sensitive to the callings.
- Cal.
- No one's blaming you for what happened to MA 828.
- You can't help me.

Saanvi: I reviewed his profile. He is all but terminal.
Dr. Brian Cardoso: Saanvi, we can't save everyone.
Saanvi: No, of course not, but we can try.
Dr. Brian Cardoso: For the credibility of the study, only the most viable cases can be included.
Saanvi: Says who? This is your study based on my research. I'm entitled to a voice here.
Dr. Brian Cardoso: We're months away from being bought by a major pharmaceutical. There's too much money on the line for both of us, and I won't let that be jeopardized by an aberrant patient whose results might compromise our track record. Who knows what happened to him on that plane?
Saanvi: Do you want to know what happened to him on that plane? The exact same thing that happened to me. We both got a second chance. To start over, to live. And I can't explain to you why or how, but I'm not ruling out that just maybe he came back to be saved and I came back to save him. And I couldn't care less about the money. We're giving this boy his chance.

Robert: There's this new thing they just invented. It's called sleep. You should try it.
Saanvi: Yeah. Sleep is for suckers, especially given the stakes.

Saanvi: Okay. So, now what?
Robert: My guys and I are gonna stay on her. You need to sit tight and hope for a miracle.
Saanvi: I prefer science over miracles.

- And he's a good father.
- Please, just go.
Saanvi: Now what do we do?
- I don't know, but the husband's not Theo's father.
- Still, I don't get the Calling.
- Theo looks fine.
- I saw terror in that child's eyes on the plane.
- We have to help him.

Michaela: Saanvi, you don't have to die. You can save yourself right now.
Saanvi: I'm not afraid to die.
Michaela: Then save the rest of us. Please.

Michaela: [on phone] Five buses, until they exited the thruway, then one of them disappeared.
Ben: [on phone] Buses just don't disappear.
Saanvi: Why not? Happens to airplanes.

Robert: I assumed the piece of the Ark wouldn't be more than a fascinating historical relic. But it appears that God isn't the only one who can create a miracle.
Saanvi: We did it.
Dr. Gupta: And we're just getting started.

Saanvi: I'm so sorry It is... incredibly unfair for me to have drawn you into this. Dangerous, even. Go back to your family. Forget about this. Forget about me.
Alex: Never. Not even if you up and vanished into thin air.
Saanvi: [amused chuckle] Yeah, that would be a feat.

Ben: You've scientifically proven what the Calling of the exploding plane was trying to tell me. That we died on that plane. We were resurrected.
Saanvi: You're seriously not implying divine intervention, Ben?
Ben: I don't see another explanation, do you?