100 Best Michaela Stone Quotes

Michaela: Ben, the last time I checked, you barely believed in God.
Ben: I know. I know, I know. But... the entire way I thought the world worked has been flipped upside down, Mick. Maybe it's time I started believing.

Michaela: Am I supposed to be scared of you? This staring daggers at me doesn't change the fact that we found over $1 million worth of meth in your place, Jace.
Jace: I'm just thinking about the best way.
Michaela: The best way to what?
Jace: To hurt you the most. You see, I don't forgive. And I don't forget.
Michaela: I get not turning on your little brother. But, I mean, Kory? I mean... why'd he even keep you around? You're a liability, slab of meat with a temper. At least that's what he said.

Officer: Now, the two of you are supposed to be the unbiased voice of justice, not looking to take her down because a passenger with a badge doesn't reflect well on the department.
Investigator: Sir, we are trying to understand what involvement Detective Stone may have had in the nightclub fire.
Michaela: You want to know about the fire? Fine. It was a trap set to kill me, my family, and a slew of others...
Officer: [urging her to shut up] Michaela.
Investigator: Why don't you tell us how you knew it was a trap?
Officer: You know, if you keep talking, they're gonna hang you with your own words. Detective Stone was a target of the attack in question. It strains credulity that you would try and pin it on her.

Jared: I'm here 'cause I heard 828 activity over the scanner. That would be you? Well, I don't know what you got yourself and Cal into this time, Mick, but I don't want to know.
Michaela: I'm not asking you for favors.
Jared: Well, that's good, 'cause I can't help you.
Michaela: Yeah.
Jared: I haven't seen you in, what, six months? Now I see you twice in one day. What are the odds?
Michaela: Must be a sign.
Jared: Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of.

Drea: I think I've done a pretty good job of turning the other way, but honestly, I don't know if I can be your partner anymore if you're not gonna be straight with me. So, it's time. The truth. Right now.
Michaela: Okay, and what if the truth is impossible to believe?
Drea: You came back from the dead. I dare you to try to top that.

- Daly, you in here?
- Wow.
- I didn't know it was this bad.
Michaela: No sign of him.

Ben: [watching an old home movie] You should wear mom's dress. Or veil. At least, you know, a part of her will be with you in spirit.
Michaela: Yeah, I thought about that. Um... but dad got rid of all her when she died. Guess the memories were too much. Kind of like how this might be too much for me. I guess I... I didn't fully process that saying yes meant letting him pull the plug on his own life.
Ben: Why does it have to mean that?
Michaela: 'Cause that's what he wants. I mean, he... if I call off the wedding and force him back into the hospital, he will never forgive me.
[glancing at the paused movie of their mother]
Michaela: She'd know what to do.

Michaela: [seeing a news report that Jace's meth lab exploded] How could it blow up? HAZMAT came in and cleaned up all the chemicals. The apartment was empty.
Michaela: Unless... "let him go."
Jared: You think the Calling has something to do with this?
Michaela: I never understood why it didn't want me to arrest the dealers, but what if the Callings wanted them in that lab? What if they were supposed to die?

Michaela: Vance, there's something more, something I don't know, but it clearly has to do with Saanvi, so... enough. Enough with the secrets.
Robert: You know all I know, and you know I'd do anything to help Saanvi. There's nothing more to tell.

Ben: [putting mobile on speaker mode] Eagan's here.
Michaela: Do I need to send a patrol unit?
Ben: No, I'm fine.

Michaela: [after the passengers are requested to de-plane on the tarmac] When do they ever do this?
Ben: Never. Something's happening.

- Cal!
- Zeke!
Michaela: Jace! Let him go!
- Drop your weapon!
- What did I tell you?!
- What did I say?!

Michaela: It's Billy, right? Listen, Billy. Just to refresh your memory, that was my husband that you kidnapped and nearly killed at the Xer bar all those years ago, which is why I would love nothing more than the tiniest justifiable reason to rid the world of a scumbag like you. I'm not the bitch you want holding a gun to the back of your head right now.

Zeke: Where you lead, I will follow.
Michaela: Zeke, you don't have to come.
Zeke: Hell, I don't. I might not like you going into danger, but I'm not gonna let you do it alone. Besides, I've been dead before, a couple of times.

Michaela: [ Echoing ]
- Let him go.
- Let him go.
- Look, kid, don't be stupid, okay?
- If I catch you doing this again...
- Okay.
- Go.

Grandma: Michaela Beth, even people that have made mistakes deserve happiness. You know my favorite verse: "All things work together for good."
Michaela: I don't believe that anymore, mom. How can I?
Michaela: Which is why, when I got the chance to stay away from home for even a few more hours, I jumped at it.
Airport: All passengers for Flight 537 to New York, John F. Kennedy Airport, your attention please. This flight is oversold. We are offering travel vouchers in the amount of $400 for anyone willing to take a later flight.
Michaela: Yes. That's me.
Grace: No.
Ben: It's $400 per person. That's our next trip down to the Mayo Clinic.
Cal: I'll stay with dad.
Ben: [high-fiving] There you go. Man time.
Michaela: [voiceover] So Grace and Olive and my folks took the first flight home, while Ben and Cal and I waited for Flight 828. Funny how one little decision can ruin your life. But also save it.

Michaela: [on phone] Five buses, until they exited the thruway, then one of them disappeared.
Ben: [on phone] Buses just don't disappear.
Saanvi: Why not? Happens to airplanes.

Michaela: Saanvi, you don't have to die. You can save yourself right now.
Saanvi: I'm not afraid to die.
Michaela: Then save the rest of us. Please.

Michaela: [Speaks what she had written in the letter to Evie, that she ties to a balloon and let it fly, a symbolism of forgiving herself] Okay, Evie. I think I finally get it. And honestly, I kind of wish I didn't, 'cause it's the truth, isn't it? Sometimes the safest place to hide is inside your own guilt. I mean, how many times have I begged you for forgiveness? And you're not even one to hold a grudge. You'd always just say, "Come on, Mick, you dumb shit. Move on with your life." And I wouldn't. Okay. You got me. I'll take the bait. I forgive you, Michaela Stone. I forgive you.

- No!!
Michaela: Zeke! No!
- Zeke! No!
- Cal!
- Cal!

Michaela: Look, I know you probably don't want, uh, Ms. Bad Influence hanging around the kids. I would get...
Grace: Michaela, no. M-Michaela... this is your home. For as long as you'd like. That's ancient history.
Michaela: It was two days ago for me. I am still the same screw-up that you said goodbye to in Jamaica.
Grace: The universe just gave all of us a do-over. Everything that happened before goes out the window.

Michaela: Ben, you need to call me back right away when you get this. The three guys who kidnapped Cal... They're alive again.

Michaela: I'm not asking for your permission. I'm a member of the Lifeboat, too, and I need to decide what I think is best.
Ben: You told me the way I was handling the Lifeboat was wrong. Hell, I've got an ankle bracelet proving you right. But, Mick, I'm saying the same to you now.

Zeke: A person can't freeze to death in a cave and then, a year later, walk out alive. Not on planet Earth. This is Earth, right?
Michaela: Yes, it is.

Jared: Help me out here. Michaela, I got three detectives and eight uniforms waiting on my direction to find these abducted girls, and I'm here trying to put out your fire. Does this have to do with me?
Michaela: Excuse me? How?
Jared: I don't know. All right? Acting out, you know, trying to get my attention, get back at me.
Michaela: You are such a guy. I break open a fence, and yeah, it's because you've married my best friend. Look, Lourdes is amazing. You're both amazing. I was gone. How can I blame either of you, right?
Jared: Fine. Then what?
Michaela: What? Huh. I don't know. How about the fact that I take off in a plane, and when I land, my mom is dead? Thanks for your condolences, by the way. How about the fact that I have no home, no phone numnber, not a single worldly possession at all to my name? How about that I lost five years, six months, and twenty-eight days of the world, of life?
[a tear rolls down her cheek]
Michaela: How about... never mind that my lawyer convinced a judge that I was innocent. I will never, ever stop believing that I didn't commit murder when Evie died sitting next to me in my car. So, yeah, as I am standing here, I am trying to figure out whether or not I should be grateful for being back and alive or just guilty, Jared. Which is where I'm leaning.

Michaela: What are you doing here?
Ben: Setting them free. I've been hearing it ever since I drove by here this afternoon.
Michaela: You said I was losing my mind, Ben! Why'd you lie to me?
Ben: Because maybe I don't want to be a circus freak! I don't have the time for it. I got to help Cal, find a god damn job, get to know my daughter, reclaim my life!
Michaela: Do you think I am any happier about this? Who would want to reclaim my life, Ben? Part of me wishes we hadn't come back at all, but here we are.

Michaela: My stomach is in knots. I thought... I thought maybe Ben might have found something that would help save Zeke and this would all make sense, or-or I'd get a sign, a voice, a vision, something that told me that marrying him and letting him end his treatments was the right thing to do, but none of that's happened. So... I can't go through with this.
Grace: Mick.
Michaela: [Ben enters] Tell me you found something. Please, anything, Ben.
Ben: I did.
Michaela: [he hands her a gift bag, and she takes out what's inside] Is this... is this mom's veil?
Ben: It is.
Grace: I mean, that's a pretty big sign if there ever was one.
Michaela: How did you find it?
Ben: The Calling. All good things, Mick. All good things.

Zeke: Wow... The Callings really do follow us wherever we go.
Michaela: Or tell us where we need to be.

Michaela: Excuse me. T-There are sick people here. What exactly is the problem?
NSA: The problem, ladies and gentlemen, is your plane departed Montego Bay, Jamaica, on April 7, 2013. Today is November 4, 2018. You've all been missing, presumed dead, for five and a half years.

Michaela: I recognize this guy from the airport.
Saanvi: Yeah. Paul Santino. He's a local. His wife was a no-show at the hangar.
Michaela: Abandoned. You and me both, buddy.

- Vance: Here's your property.
- Chemical warehouse,
- Red Hook.
Michaela: Yeah, that makes sense. Red Hook is its own world. Down by the water.
- No public access.
- That's the place.
- We got to get there and stop them.
- I just hope we can do it in time.

Grace: What's the plane blowing up supposed to mean?
Ben: It's gotta be a sign. The question is, of what?
Michaela: I mean, you said it yourself. Maybe the Callings are trying to teach us something. Why else would you get a vision of the plane right before Zeke's Death Date?
Ben: But Zeke wasn't on the plane, Mick. I-I think you're grasping.
Michaela: Ben, for months you've been saying that our only hope of surviving the Death Date is by following these Callings. I know, okay? I know it's a long shot, but if there's any way of saving Zeke, you gotta figure out what it means.
Ben: All right. I'll drive out to the airport. I'll see if there's maybe something at the explosion site.
Grace: Just please be back in time for the wedding.
Ben: Promise. I'll be there.

[last lines]
Michaela: You know damn well I didn't start that fire. You're being vindictive. I don't care if I burn this entire precinct down. I will out you for every remotely questionable thing you've ever done!
Jared: [putting her in a cell] Mick, shut up! You have to keep your mouth shut. I just saved your life.

Michaela: [to Ben] Hey, I brought you takeout.
Ben: Thanks, but you know I can cook, right?
Michaela: Yeah, I've had your cooking. That's why I brought you takeout.

Kate: Out of my hands now. She's gonna give the rest of her testimony down at 1PP.
Jared: [seeing Dibacco, Jared recognizes him from having met Simon] She's not gonna make it downtown.
[approaching Michaela]
Jared: Michaela Stone, you're under arrest for arson, conspiracy to commit arson, and homicide.
Michaela: Are you out of your mind right now?
Jared: Please put your hands on the desk.
Michaela: Captain, what is...
[he starts to handcuff her]
Michaela: Excuse me!
Officer: Detective Vasquez, what do you think you're doing?
Jared: It's called police work. I'm arresting my suspect. You have the right to remain silent.
Michaela: Are you seriously trying to handcuff me in our own precinct?
Investigator: Detective, your colleague's a subject in an active Internal Affairs investigation. According to procedure...
Jared: You can take your procedure and shove it right up your ass. Detective Stone's in custody. She's not going anywhere.

Zeke: Couldn't sleep? I've already got you beat on the cold feet.
Michaela: It's a big day. There's a lot to think about.
Zeke: Yeah.
[sitting down next to her]
Zeke: Your going through with this means the world to me. Having our families together, celebrating us... that's the memory I want to hold onto. You get that, right?
Michaela: I do, but... you can have all of that and still do a quick round of treatments.
Zeke: No more meds. No more needles. Just an epic wedding, a honeymoon, and a last night in your arms.

Michaela: Do not look at me like that. I'm just enjoying things being back to normal.
Drea: I didn't say anything. I was just appreciating some casual banter between two people who used to be engaged to be married.

Ben: You all right?
Michaela: Is your mind messing with you?
Ben: [wry snicker] Where to begin?
Michaela: Ben, I'm serious. Earlier today, I heard a voice in my head.
Ben: What do mean, voice? Whose voice?
Michaela: It was my voice, but it was talking to me.
Ben: So, like a psychotic voice?
Michaela: Can you not diagnose me right now and just listen? Look, normally, I'd go to mom about all this, but now I'm stuck with you.
Ben: I lost my mom, too.
Michaela: I didn't mean that.
Ben: I know. Sorry. You want to know what I think? I think it sounds like you're losing your mind.
Michaela: Yeah, of course you do.
Ben: No, I'm not being glib. Keep it to yourself before you end up in a psych ward having exploratory brain surgery. What do you think, the government just sent us home and forgot about us? Who knows what they'll try in order to find out what happened? And I don't want anything to happen to you. That's what I think.

Sgt. Robinsons: As I live and breathe.
Michaela: Hey, Sarge.
[he hugs her]
Michaela: Getting a lifetime supply of hugs.
Sgt. Robinsons: Of course you are. Come back from the dead, you've earned yourself a hug. Didn't expect you getting back to work this fast.
Michaela: Probably not quite yet, assuming I actually still have a job here.
Sgt. Robinsons: Technically, you still remain on desk duty. I'm guessing we can drum up a desk for you when you're ready.

- Is it another piece of the plane?
- Something much older.
- We have work to do.
Michaela: Why were you at Eureka, Ben?
Ben: I was getting my baselines measured to go into testing tomorrow.
- I'm their guinea pig to poke and prod.

Michaela: Come on, Astrid.
- You can do it.
- Robin!
- Robin!

Ben: I can't believe you saw mom.
Michaela: Yeah.
Ben: How'd she look?
Michaela: Uh, like mom.
Ben: Huh.
Michaela: The veil, her showing up, I... think she was trying to tell me something.
Ben: Well, I wouldn't put it past her.
Michaela: Maybe that I don't have to choose one path or another, that I can still honor Zeke's wishes and keep fighting to save his life.
Ben: I think that's exactly what mom would say.
Michaela: I was mad. At the Callings, at the world. But seeing her, I... I got to do everything I can to save Zeke.

Michaela: You know, every time I go away for a minute, I come back and you've been promoted.
Jared: Except this time, you're the one who's married.

Zeke: Michaela... we'll never have enough time to do everything that we want, to create all the memories we'd like, but having you believe in me, care for me, love me has been the greatest gift of my life. And I vow, however long I'm privileged to be your husband, to fill your world with all the love you deserve.
Michaela: Zeke, I want to be the best wife that I can be, which to me means I will stand beside you, loving you and supporting you in whatever choices you make in your life. I will never give up on you. And I will fight for your life, our life together for as long as we both shall live.

Michaela: I came to talk to you. Uh, well, Eagan. I need you to get me into holding.
Jared: Well, this isn't a revolving door, Michaela. You made your choice. You don't work here anymore.
Michaela: I'm not trying to get my shield back. I just need a couple minutes to talk to him.
Jared: No. You're here to do whatever it is that you want to do.

Michaela: You know you don't have to be a hero and take everything on.
Ben: What's that supposed to mean?
Michaela: It means you're really focused on everyone else and you never take care of yourself.

- to find out about the callings.
- Well, I guess it's the government's lucky day.
Zeke: [ Echoing ]
- Stop him!
Michaela: [ Echoing ] Stop him!
Ben: [ Echoing ] Stop him!
- Griffin!

Michaela: This is so wrong. This entire inquiry's driven by circumstantial evidence and anti-828 bias.
Officer: You've been on the other side of this table plenty of times. They're baiting you, waiting for you to trip up.
Michaela: This was supposed to be about Jared and the Xers.
Officer: Well, forget about Vasquez. Save yourself.
Michaela: From what, a conspiracy theory that I burnt these people down? That's crap. They know it.
Officer: People have questions, okay? You make a good fall guy. Don't help them.
Michaela: [sarcastic] Thank you for that.
Officer: Oh, and, uh, simple answers; yes or no. And for God's sakes, when I tell you not to answer, shut the hell up.

Eagan: If the passengers are gonna survive this clampdown, if they're gonna survive these intensifying Callings, they're going to need a leader that's gonna look out for them. Always. And you're looking at him. You stand in my way? Not gonna end well for you.
Michaela: Are you threatening me?

- Just, uh, keep your distance until they give us the green light.
Michaela: The bartender.
- That's three,
- Jared.
- That is three people that Harvey told about the calling that are now dead.

Michaela: You're gonna head towards the water. There's a stack of containers right beside the ship. You gotta slow down. You're walking way too fast.
Cal: This is how I walk.
Michaela: Well, it's suspicious. Slow down.

Zeke: Why do you always have to run toward the danger?
Michaela: Because it's literally my job.

Michaela: I don't think I can do this.
Steve: I know the feeling. I couldn't breathe on my wedding day. My tux felt like an iron lung.
Michaela: She loved seeing you dressed up.
Steve: And she would have given anything to see you walk down that aisle.
Michaela: If you had met her and she was already sick, would you have married her?
Steve: Even if I knew I'd only be married to her for five minutes, I would have done it all again. In a heartbeat.

Ben: Aunt Michaela?
- I need one of you down on the waterfront.
- Recovery of the getaway vehicle from that armored-car heist that went into the East River.
- It's going on four days now.
Michaela: The body's still inside.

Michaela: [to Autumn Cox] I know what it's like to come back and feel like you've lost everything, but bottoming out, it's a good thing. The only place you can go now is up.

Jared: You guys want to tell me what the hell's going on?
Michaela: I would, uh, say that you wouldn't believe us, but I think we're past that point.
Jared: You think?

Michaela: [hearing a voice in her head] Slower.
[she looks around at the other passengers]
Michaela: [hearing the voice again] Slower!
[to the bus driver]
Michaela: Excuse me. Can you slow down?
[he ignores her]
Michaela: Excuse me?
Bus: Do I come to your work and tell you how to do your job?
Michaela: [hearing the voice yet again] Slower!
[out loud]
Michaela: Slow down! Now!
[he slams on the brakes, and just barely stops short of hitting a toddler fetching a toy ball in the road]
Bus: How'd you see him coming? Lady! How the hell?

Michaela: Found his campsite.
- You see him?
- No, not yet.

Rector: Welcome home. Ears burning much? You're the subject of my sermon this Sunday.
Michaela: How do we know if we're the called?
Rector: We know in our heart.
[she suddenly flashes to the plane at the airport]
Rector: You okay? Michaela?
Michaela: [indicating the Bible in her hands] Can I take this?
Rector: As long as you put it to good use.

Michaela: Cal, you have that?
- You okay?
- Y-Y-Yeah, I'm okay!
- I'll be down in a sec!
- Are you okay?

- I'm sorry.
- This is the only way to prove I did nothing wrong.
- No.
- Let me out!
- No, no, no, no, no!
Michaela: No! No!
- No!
- Daly, don't do this!

Michaela: [ Echoing ]
- All things...
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.
- Sorry.
[ Chuckles ] Okay.
- Anything you need, please.
- I'm just upstairs.
- -Okay. Thanks.

Angelina: When that mission is fulfilled, you'll be healed.
- We have to do more than just stop Eureka from testing.
- We have to... destroy the Tailfin.
Michaela: How the hell do you suggest that we pull that off?
- My name is Cal Stone.
- I'm here to see the Tailfin.

Jared: Three for three. Looks like no one's caving tonight.
Michaela: Nope.
Jared: You all right?
Michaela: No, of course not. I mean, you've seen the way that these cases play out. Separate trials, different defense attorneys all claiming that their client doesn't know anything while pointing at an empty chair creates reasonable doubt. They all walk.
Jared: That all that's bugging you?

Ben: Mom's not wrong. Jared's not gonna wait around forever.
Michaela: [sarcastic] Great marriage pep talk. Thank you.
Ben: Why are you fighting this when all it's gonna do is make you happy? It's all we want for you.
Michaela: That was really sweet of you. You must be drunk.
Ben: Definitely. Say yes to Jared. Have a wedding and a honeymoon. Turn the page. It's time. And, yes, you deserve it. Truly.

Michaela: I thought that I had.
Michaela: I tried really hard. What if I'm not ready? What if... what if I don't wanna let go of the guilt because... it's the only thing I have left? If I let it go, then there's nothing connecting me to her.
Zeke: Then don't.
Michaela: Don't...
Zeke: Don't let go. Hang on to the guilt if you need to. There's no shame in that. Believe me, I carry my guilt all over the place. It's a part of us, and you can use that part however you want. Our pain can become our strength. This is your life. Live it by your truth.

Ben: We have to take action. We have to do whatever it takes to make sure that we all survive.
Michaela: Take action? Ben, stop. Listen to yourself. How do you know you're not the one sinking the Lifeboat making sure no one else does?

Ben: Are you sure it was the GW?
Michaela: How many times did Mom and Dad force picnics on us up here?
- There they are.

Michaela: Put your hands up!
- Hey!
- Put your hands up!
- Hands behind your back.
- Easy.
- Where are the others?
- Where are they?!

Michaela: Funny how one little decision can ruin your life. But also save it.

Michaela: Why do I get the impression that everyone we've talked to is either lying to themselves or to us?

Michaela: [after saving the kidnap victims for whom Jared was searching] Thanks for putting in a good word.
Jared: It's the least I can do. So I suppose you're not gonna explain to me what happened here today.
Michaela: Like I said, I wish I could.
Jared: You still take my breath away.
Michaela: Say hi to Lourdes for me.

Michaela: I had nothing to do with the fire.
Investigator: You had motive and opportunity. This can't be all just one big coincidence.
Michaela: No, it's a smokescreen, and you're falling for it. Jared Vasquez is an Xer.
Officer: Michaela.
Investigator: You and your family had to know that sooner or later it was going to catch up with you.
Michaela: You can't honestly think that my family had anything to do with this!
Investigator: We'll know when we get their statements.

Zeke: You all right?
Michaela: I am better than all right. I'm with you. That's all that matters.
Zeke: So you're glad you said "I do"?
Michaela: Yeah. Of course.
Zeke: I know you've had reservations. Just didn't know if you still had second thoughts.
Michaela: Our situation is anything but normal. But I love you. Don't ever doubt that.

- I'm just along for the ride.
- Let's just hope he doesn't want to press charges.
Michaela: [ Echoing ] Set them free.
- Are you okay?
- Set them free!
- Hey, go sit in the car.

Michaela: Jared is the criminal here! You have the damn surveillance!
Investigator: The surveillance you provided is inconclusive.
Investigator: A guy is allowed an off-duty drink.
Michaela: This isn't just any bar!
Investigator: If you can prove Vasquez is guilty of actual crimes, we're all ears.
Officer: This is your badge we're talking about. Don't take the bait.
Michaela: They don't care about the truth. They're gonna run me for it anyways. Look, Jared brought this on himself. He brings a threat to my family. You don't think I'm gonna fight back?

Zeke: [Michaela's phone rings] Who's calling us on our honeymoon?
Michaela: Hopefully, someone with some good news.
[answering the call]
Michaela: Hello?
Cal: Auntie Mick! Help! Help!
Jace: Shut that kid up.
Michaela: Listen, you sick...
Jace: No, you listen, bitch! You have two choices. You get us back our stash, or you bury your nephew!
Michaela: Don't you dare touch him!
Jace: Don't tempt me. I warned you. Now you're gonna pay.

Michaela: Your anxiety -- look, it's not gonna get better overnight.
- But there are a lot of people who can help you, and you have a hell of a support system.
- Starting with me, okay?
- Hang in there.

Michaela: Let them finish.
- It's me, Frank.
- It's me.
- And I don't want to die.

Zeke: Wish in your Calling I'd gotten a clearer sense of what they're up to. I mean, I don't know if Adrian wants to kill someone or if something he does is gonna get someone killed. Or something he says.
Michaela: He and Eagan are recruiting 828ers, telling them that the passenger registry is Ben's fault, my fault. They're radicalizing people using our names, and now someone might die because of it. We gotta stop them.

Grace: [Michaela notices a stitched throw pillow] Your mom made it after...
Michaela: That cheesy verse was her mantra. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's the last thing she said to me.

[Last lines]
Michaela: No one can explain what happened to us on April 7th, 2013. Some people called it impossible. Others called it a miracle. All I know is it was the day life changed forever.

Zeke: Am I dead?
Michaela: No, but... that would be easier to explain.

- Don't you move.
- I'm not scared of death.
Michaela: Jace, it's over.
- Drop the knife.
Kory: Jace.

[last lines]
Ben: You saved those girls.
Michaela: We saved those girls. How'd you know I was here?
Ben: I just... knew.
Michaela: What is this? What is happening? How about this? There were a lot of people on that plane. Why you and me? What makes two head cases like us so special?
Ben: What's the probability it's just you and me?
Michaela: [over a montage of other passengers experience similiar headaches] And, of course, it wasn't just the two of us.
[they all arrive at an airfield and see the plane on the tarmac]
Michaela: Ben and I didn't know any of these people yet. But soon, we'd know them as well as we know ourselves. As for whatever force brought us all here...
[the plane inexplicably explodes]
Michaela: ...it had no interest in being investigated. And as for the group of us? This was just the beginning.

- I now, apparently, have superpowers.
- Go figure.
Saanvi: [ Echoing ] Stop him!
Zeke: [ Echoing ] Stop him!
Ben: [ Echoing ] Stop him!
Michaela: [ Echoing ] Stop him!

Investigator: You first met the alleged nightclub arsonist, Isaiah McCann, when he was arrested for the murder of another passenger, Kelly Taylor.
Michaela: Yes.
Investigator: And your investigation exonerated him.
Michaela: Mm-hmm, because he didn't do it and we caught the killer.
Investigator: With one of your many coincidental solves.
Investigator: McCann knew your niece, Olive Stone. They were members of the same cult. Olive is the one who identified Mr. McCann's attackers at the church, am I right? Your niece must really look up to you. Her cool aunt, a Flight 828 survivor, a successful detective. She'd probably do anything you asked.
Michaela: No, that is...
Officer: Olive Stone's statement in the assault case checked out.
Investigator: Your brother, Ben Stone, he was involved in a number of your cases, as well, wasn't he?

Ben: [about to break into private property] To be clear, this is a felony.
Michaela: Yeah, I'm a police officer. I'm pretty sure I know what a felony is.
[the guard dogs begin barking]
Michaela: Hey, what if they attack us?
Ben: They'd be doing their job.
Michaela: [when they open the fence, the dogs simply run away] That was bizarre.
Ben: You think?
Michaela: Now what?
Ben: I don't know. But hearing a voice in your head one time is a fluke. Twice? Now happening to the both of us?
Michaela: Not a fluke.

- What is happening?
- How about this? There were a lot of people on that plane.
- Why you and me? What makes two head cases like us so special?
- What's the probability it's just you and me?
Michaela: And, of course, it wasn't just the two of us.

Michaela: Where's, uh... where's mom and Jared?
Grandpa: I texted with Jared. He couldn't make it over; work emergency.
Michaela: And mom?
Grandpa: Your mom got sick. She... she fought so hard.
Michaela: What do you... what do you mean sick?
Grandpa: She loved you kids more than life itself. You were everything to her.
Michaela: No! No, no. I was just... I was just running with her on the beach. I came out here to tell her t-that she was right about me and Jared.
[breaking down sobbing]
Michaela: No, dad! No, no!

Jared: You're so young. You look exactly the same.
Michaela: Yeah. You look even better. I don't know how men do that.
Jared: I'm sorry I didn't come to the airport. I'm lead detective on this abduction case. Every hour counts.
Michaela: Detective? Wow.
Jared: A lot has changed since you've been gone.
Michaela: [he hides his hand as she notices his wedding ring] Who is she?
Jared: Lourdes.
Michaela: That makes sense. She always told me how lucky I was.
Jared: Michaela, it was two years before I even looked at another woman.

- Just like Zeke.
- So, if I'm saying that a bomb's gonna go off... if I'm the only one who knows where...
Michaela: Do you know where, Griffin?
- ...then I'm the only one who can save the day.
- Looks like I got myself a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Michaela: [to Zeke's apparition] Please just tell me how this ends. I need some shred of hope that I'm not gonna fall further into the abyss without you.

- He'd stash a couple pills in the barrel of his razor.
- -Get a doctor right now.
- -Right away.
Michaela: She was experimenting on herself?
- She blames herself for the Major getting her research, and now she feels she has to catch up.
- What the hell is happening?

Michaela: So great being back on an airplane. I'm totally cool with it.
Ben: Yeah. Not panicked at all. What year do you think it'll be when we land?

Ben: Maybe your Calling's about Jared and Major Junior coming for dinner.
Michaela: How did you know about that?
Ben: Zeke came by and borrowed a pot. Don't worry. As long as you're not cooking, it'll all be fine.

Michaela: [When Ben is brining her and Zeke, along with Angelina who is without any document, from Costa Rica to U.S. in the plane arranged by Vance] Thanks for the lift.

Jared: Michaela, I'm sorry about your mother. I'm so sorry about everything. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it all myself. Believe me. But I still need an answer. Why? Why did you and your brother break open that fence?
Michaela: I can't explain it. I wish I could.
Jared: Go inside and put some more clothes on.
Michaela: Why?
Jared: 'Cause you're coming with me to make this go away and save your career.

Zeke: No one's ever done anything like that for me. You didn't just storm the castle. You burned it to the ground.
Michaela: Yeah, well, you weren't supposed to be inside.
Zeke: Now what?
Michaela: How does a home cooked meal sound?
Zeke: You busted me outta jail. Least I can do us cook for you.
Michaela: Yeah, that's true.

Officer: You got nothing, 'cause if you did, we'd be having a real different conversation.
Investigator: Why don't you tell us what you think is going on, Officer Dibacco?
Officer: Whistleblower retaliation. Vazquez is trying to shut her up.
Investigator: Our questions about Detective Stone's record have nothing to do with Vazquez.
Michaela: So those files just walked themselves into your hand?