Top 30 Quotes From J.R. Ramirez

Sarah: You think Saanvi Bahl had anything to do with my mom's death?
Jared: I don't know. But if she did, I'm gonna find out.

Michaela: I came to talk to you. Uh, well, Eagan. I need you to get me into holding.
Jared: Well, this isn't a revolving door, Michaela. You made your choice. You don't work here anymore.
Michaela: I'm not trying to get my shield back. I just need a couple minutes to talk to him.
Jared: No. You're here to do whatever it is that you want to do.

- I don't know.
- There's something about this kid.
- I need to help him.
- Have a good night.
Jared: Did you forget about dinner?
- I already told Lourdes you're in.

Sarah: I'm sorry I showed up unannounced.
Jared: You made my coworkers' day. They were burning me non-stop about us dating.

Jared: Michaela, I'm sorry about your mother. I'm so sorry about everything. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it all myself. Believe me. But I still need an answer. Why? Why did you and your brother break open that fence?
Michaela: I can't explain it. I wish I could.
Jared: Go inside and put some more clothes on.
Michaela: Why?
Jared: 'Cause you're coming with me to make this go away and save your career.

Jared: You guys want to tell me what the hell's going on?
Michaela: I would, uh, say that you wouldn't believe us, but I think we're past that point.
Jared: You think?

Simon: You're concerned.
Jared: I worked those cases with her. An IA investigation blows back on me.
Simon: They're not looking at you for the nightclub fire, are they?
Jared: It doesn't matter. She knows I took those files. Now she's got plenty of ammo to take me down.
Simon: Don't worry about it. You know you have like-minded friends at the NYPD.
Jared: What are you talking about?
Simon: If Michaela Stone goes on the offensive, your friends will have your back.
Jared: How are you gonna stop her from talking? What happened to nonviolence?
Simon: Jared, this isn't an ideology. It's a wake-up call. Did Michaela Stone ever talk to you about telepathy? The 828 passengers are able to see the future. Her brother's been keeping quite copious records.
Jared: Well, that's news to me.
Simon: For all we know, they're manipulating the events around us, controlling us in ways we don't even realize. It's everything we've feared. But it's no longer just a theory. It's a fact. And now that one of them is coming right at us? Michaela Stone is a threat. We'll do what needs to be done.

Michaela: The way that Jace looks at me, the way that he talks to me, it's like he can see right through me. It's like he knows that...
Jared: You think... it's connected to the Calling? "Let him go"?
Michaela: I don't know.
Jared: Well, let's let 'em sweat it out overnight. We'll take another stab at them in the morning before they get on the bus to Rikers.
Michaela: Um, yeah, small problem. I'm... I'm not available.
Jared: What? You were all fired up, wanting answers. Where do you have to be that's more important?
Michaela: I'm getting married.
Jared: [taken by surprise] Wow. Tomorrow?
Michaela: Zeke's dying, J. He's got two days left. I shouldn't even be here, but I can't help but feel like Jace knows something. Something that could help save Zeke.
Jared: I'm sorry, Mick.
Michaela: He wants a final celebration, instead of being hooked up to the machines at the hospital. Look, I'm... I'm sorry. I... the last thing that I want to do is cause you pain. Grace asked if I wanted to invite you. I told her I didn't even want to tell you, let alone have you stand there at...
Jared: Mick, Mick, Mick, Mick. It's okay. I'll be there. What can I do?
Michaela: Get me a conviction.

- Does anybody else see this?
Jared: What is it, Cal?
- Something's happening.
- Cal, is it the three shadows?
- Just one.
- Jace.

- We have a body.
Jared: His gun's gone.
- Alright, I'll go right, you go left.
- Stay behind her.
- Keep your head down.
- I'll be fine.
- Shh!

Jared: Help me out here. Michaela, I got three detectives and eight uniforms waiting on my direction to find these abducted girls, and I'm here trying to put out your fire. Does this have to do with me?
Michaela: Excuse me? How?
Jared: I don't know. All right? Acting out, you know, trying to get my attention, get back at me.
Michaela: You are such a guy. I break open a fence, and yeah, it's because you've married my best friend. Look, Lourdes is amazing. You're both amazing. I was gone. How can I blame either of you, right?
Jared: Fine. Then what?
Michaela: What? Huh. I don't know. How about the fact that I take off in a plane, and when I land, my mom is dead? Thanks for your condolences, by the way. How about the fact that I have no home, no phone numnber, not a single worldly possession at all to my name? How about that I lost five years, six months, and twenty-eight days of the world, of life?
[a tear rolls down her cheek]
Michaela: How about... never mind that my lawyer convinced a judge that I was innocent. I will never, ever stop believing that I didn't commit murder when Evie died sitting next to me in my car. So, yeah, as I am standing here, I am trying to figure out whether or not I should be grateful for being back and alive or just guilty, Jared. Which is where I'm leaning.

Simon: [alarmed when Jared enters his office] What are you thinking coming here? Ben Stone's office is just down the hall!
Jared: What the hell do I care? What, you get to blow up my job and I got to stay clear of yours? This is not why I gave you Michaela's case files.
Simon: Really, Jared? What did you think was gonna happen?
Jared: The plan was to dump information about the 828 passengers onto the Web, not to feed Mick's cases to Internal Affairs, Simon!
Simon: We have new information about the passengers. Plans changed.

- They want to make the exchange outside the Intrepid.
- I'll take the meth to the plaza near the main entrance.
- Ben will be at the overpass, waiting for them to show up.
- Once they do, I'll put the bag under the bench.
Jared: They'll recognize Drea and me, so we'll stay out of sight -- make sure everything goes off okay.

Kory: I'm sorry. What did you just say?
Jared: You're telling me you're not the mastermind behind all this?
Kory: You have a vivid imagination, Detective. I'm just a bus driver.
Jared: Oh, you wanna play dumb? Oh. Well, fine by me. I mean, you're gonna go prison for so long, you're gonna forget what a bus actually looks like, much less drive one. Or... you can tell me what you know about your partners, and we can cut a deal.

Tom: Honey balsamic chicken. From the Instant Pot. You're not a vegetarian, pescatarian, whatever-hell-atarian, are you?
Jared: No. Honey chicken sounds delicious. Thank you very much. It's kind of you.

Jared: You got a second?
Ben: Not unless you're here to tell me NYPD is actually gonna do something for once to help find my daughter. They won't even return my calls.
Jared: Ben, brother... hey. You need to take a break, man.
Ben: I'm never gonna take a break. Does nobody get that? Not until I find her.
Jared: Ben, there's a reason the detectives aren't calling you back.
[giving him a folder]
Jared: The state legally declared Eden deceased. NYPD closed the missing persons file. I wanted you to hear it from a friend, not just some random suit.
Ben: [opening the folder, he finds a death certificate] No.
Jared: Ben. Ben, Angelina and Eden's prints were found on that bridge. They found her backpack floating in the Narrows days after Grace...
Ben: Yeah, but no bodies! Why no bodies?
Jared: We've been through this, Ben. The currents. They would have pulled them into the Atlantic. We weren't expecting on finding any bodies.
Ben: I know she's out there. She's alive. And if the NYPD won't look for her, screw them. And screw you, Jared! I won't stop. I can't.

Michaela: [seeing a news report that Jace's meth lab exploded] How could it blow up? HAZMAT came in and cleaned up all the chemicals. The apartment was empty.
Michaela: Unless... "let him go."
Jared: You think the Calling has something to do with this?
Michaela: I never understood why it didn't want me to arrest the dealers, but what if the Callings wanted them in that lab? What if they were supposed to die?

Jessica: Well, your ex is a piece of work.
Oscar: We grew up together, you know? She used to be cool.
Jessica: Nasty doesn't just come out of nowhere.
Oscar: Yeah, maybe you're right. She never directed it at me.

Sarah: Thanks to you getting my mom's death certificate, the bank finally released her safety deposit box. Courier dropped it off yesterday. I haven't been able to bring myself to open it. It's just too hard.
Jared: Hey. There's nothing you're gonna find in that box that's gonna change the way your mom felt for you.

- Gartrell: Vasquez!
- Are you kidding me?
- Is this a spectator sport?
- They haven't even found the damn thing yet.
- I've been freezing my ass off for four days.
- What are they doing down there?
Jared: Beats me.

- I didn't mean to hurt you, and I did.
- What happens the next time
- I get a Calling?
- This is what I need to do -- own up to my actions.
Jared: Zeke turned himself in.
- He knows he's guilty.
- You're not the only one who can come back from the dead.

Drea: It's okay to have feelings about your ex being on her honeymoon.
Jared: No feelings, Drea. I'm good.

Drea: You know, my dad always said that stubbornness in the face of an impossible obstacle is a waste of time.
Jared: I'm guessing you didn't listen.
Drea: Oh, I'm persistent, not stubborn.

Drea: [on phone] Wow, teamwork makes the dream work. Forget that I said that.
Jared: That's gonna be glued in my memory now. Thanks.

Sarah: It's not every day that I meet someone who makes me feel as seen and heard, the way you made me feel. And now I'm the one who's embarrassed.
Jared: Don't be. I kept trying to convince myself I was only interested in trying to solve the case, when, honestly, part of it was getting to spend time with you.

Michaela: [after saving the kidnap victims for whom Jared was searching] Thanks for putting in a good word.
Jared: It's the least I can do. So I suppose you're not gonna explain to me what happened here today.
Michaela: Like I said, I wish I could.
Jared: You still take my breath away.
Michaela: Say hi to Lourdes for me.

Jared: Three for three. Looks like no one's caving tonight.
Michaela: Nope.
Jared: You all right?
Michaela: No, of course not. I mean, you've seen the way that these cases play out. Separate trials, different defense attorneys all claiming that their client doesn't know anything while pointing at an empty chair creates reasonable doubt. They all walk.
Jared: That all that's bugging you?

Michaela: You know, every time I go away for a minute, I come back and you've been promoted.
Jared: Except this time, you're the one who's married.

Jared: Sarah, your mother is a high-level government operative tasked with studying Flight 828. She often engaged in extra-legal activities.
Sarah: English, please.
Jared: Torture, abduction. It could have something to do with her disappearance.
Sarah: So, where is she now?
Jared: I wish I knew.

Jared: I'm here 'cause I heard 828 activity over the scanner. That would be you? Well, I don't know what you got yourself and Cal into this time, Mick, but I don't want to know.
Michaela: I'm not asking you for favors.
Jared: Well, that's good, 'cause I can't help you.
Michaela: Yeah.
Jared: I haven't seen you in, what, six months? Now I see you twice in one day. What are the odds?
Michaela: Must be a sign.
Jared: Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of.