The Best Chip Quotes

The: [on Rose's mobile] Rose, where are you?
Cassandra: [aside to Chip] How does she speak?
Chip: Old Earth Cockney
Cassandra: [on the mobile] Um, Wotcha?
The: Where have you been? How long does it take to get to Ward 26?
Cassandra: I'm on my way, guvna'. I shall proceed up the apples and pears.

Chip: [looking at the remains of Cassandra's old form, sadly] My old mistress has gone.
Cassandra: But safe and sound in here.
[taps her head]
Chip: But what of the Rose child's mind?
Cassandra: Oh, tucked away. I can just about access the surface memory. She's...
[reading Rose's mind]
Cassandra: God, she's with the Doctor. That man, he's the Doctor. The same Doctor with a new face! That hypocrite!
[in an undertone]
Cassandra: I must get the name of his surgeon.

Cassandra: Ooooh, sweet Lord. I'm a walking doodle!

Cassandra: I mean it: you look so beautiful.