The Best Dave Maddox Quotes

Dan: Don't mess with us right now, man, it's my wife...
Lucifer: Ex-wife.
Dan: My ex-wife's life is on the line.
Dave: You... so you're trying to help your *ex*-wife? Something's wrong with you, buddy.

Dave: [His goons are beating up Dan] I would do this myself, but painting hand and all that.
Dan: You are making a big mistake.
Dave: You're right. I can just find something to hit you with!

Lucifer: What is it you desire?
Dave: I-I want someone to buy my art because they actually like it.
Dave: Clients only buy my paintings because they're forced to as part of our deal, but... I know they just throw them away. And treat 'em like trash.
Lucifer: An insult to trash.
Dave: All I want... more than anything, is just... is to be treated like a real artist.
Lucifer: Really? That's it? Well, miracles aren't my thing, but I'm sure we can come to an arrangement.