The Best Detective Inspector Bishop Quotes

The: They did what?
Bishop: I'm sorry?
The: They left her where?
Bishop: Just... in the street.
The: The street. They left her in the street. They took her face, and just chucked her out and left her in the street. And as a result, that makes things... simple. Very, very simple. Do you know why?
Bishop: No.
The: Because now, Detective Inspector Bishop, there is no power on this earth that can stop me!

Bishop: Start from the beginning. Tell me everything you know.
The: Well, for starters, I know... you can't wrap your hand round your elbow and make your fingers meet.

[knock, door opens]
Crabtree: Found another one, sir.
Bishop: Oh, good man, Crabtree.
[the Doctor looks up, sees Crabtree with a blanket-covered person in a familiar pink skirt and pink heels]
Bishop: Here we are, Doctor. Take a good look. See what you can deduce.
[Crabtree removes the blanket. Blond hair, pink hairband-]
The: Rose.
Bishop: You know her?
The: Know her? She...
[It is quite definitely Rose Tyler. Same hairstyle,: from her brow to her chin they are all smoothed away, with only the vaguest shadows on the skin to suggest what used to be there. She seems completely unaware of everything, like she's asleep on her feet. She'd be staring out at nothing if she still had eyes. As the Doctor takes this in, he barely hears what the detectives say]
Crabtree: [distantly] They found her in the street, apparently, over at Leicester Square, abandoned.
Bishop: [distantly] That's unusual, that's the first one out in the open. Heaven help us if something happens in public tomorrow for the big day. We'll have Torchwood on our backs then, make no mistake.

The: [after breaking into Magpie's shop] If you're here, come out and talk to me! MAGPIE!
Tommy: Maybe he's out?
The: Looks like it.
[finds a small black box resembling an old portable TV]
The: Oh, hello. This isn't right. This is very much not right.
[licks it]
The: Tastes like iron. Bakelite. Put together with human hands, yes, but the design itself...
[scans it with his Sonic Screwdriver]
The: Oh, beautiful work! That is so simple!
Bishop: That's incredible, it's like a television, but portable! A portable television!

Tommy: What are you?
The: I'm the Wire. And I will gobble you up, pretty boy. Every last morsel.
[the TV image becomes colour]
The: And when I have feasted, I shall regain the corporeal body which my fellow kind denied me.
Bishop: Good Lord! Colour television!