The Best Doctor Sato Quotes

Dr. Sato: [Dr. Sato and The Doctor are examining the pig-alien] I just assumed that's what aliens looked like. But you're saying it's an ordinary pig. From Earth.
The: More like a mermaid. Victorian showman used to draw the crowds by taking the skull of a cat, gluing it to a fish and calling it a mermaid. Now, someone's taken a pig, opened up its brain, stuck bits on and they've strapped it in that ship, made it dive-bomb. It must have been terrified. They've taken this animal and turned it into a joke.
Dr. Sato: So, it's a fake. A pretend, like the mermaid. But the technology augmenting its brain... it's like nothing on Earth. It's alien. Aliens are faking aliens. Why would they do that? Doctor?
[Dr. Sato turns round and the Doctor has disappeared]