The Best Doctor Vanetti Quotes

Col. Hogan: You're all set, Doctor. Papers, money, you'll get through to England all right.
Doctor: Yeah. Yeah, I will get through to England. I'm only sorry that you had to sacrifice a man for me.
Col. Hogan: Crittendon? We didn't sacrifice him. We made sure the guards had blanks in their guns.
Doctor: Good.
Col. Hogan: He may make it through, but I doubt it. Just doesn't have a talent for escaping.
[checks his watch]
Col. Hogan: Well, it's almost time. Klink will be back. Want to be sure we blow up your lab before he gets here.
Doctor: Well, then I shall say goodbye.
Carter: Dr. Vanetti. Uh, forgive my professional curiosity, sort of, but do you think our side will ever come up with the atomic bomb?
Doctor: I hope not. It would be noisy. Very noisy.