The Best Erica Quotes

Erica: [surprised when the Tardis appears] Oh my god!
The: No, I'm the Doctor, but it's an easy mistake to make.

[guitar playing, the Doctor's face turns upward, eyes closed, background black]
The: The end of your life has already begun.
[his eyes open and he walks around the TARDIS console playing his guitar]
The: There is a last place you will ever go, a last door
[the view cuts to a passing over a neighborhood somewhere]
The: [continuing as voiceover] you will ever walk through, a last sight you will ever see. And every step you ever take is moving you closer.
[view comes to Erica placing her purse in the door to keep it from closing before going to the car]
The: The end of the world is a billion, billion tiny moments...
[Erica opens the car's hatchback, then turns around just in time to warn...]
Erica: Don't shut the door!
[... Douglas as he comes out looking at his phone, closing the door on her purse, crushing her glasses inside of it]
The: ...and somewhere unnoticed...
Man: Sorry.
The: silence or darkness...
[Erica fishes in her purse, pulls out the broken glasses]
Erica: [sighs] Damn it.
The: has already begun.