The Best Francine Jones Quotes

Francine: Is that all?
Sinister: For now. Have you voted?
Francine: Of course. Just don't expect me to tell you who for.
Sinister: Thanks for all your doing, Mrs. Jones. Mister Saxon will be very grateful.

[final lines]
Francine: [on the phone] Martha, it's your mother. Please, phone me back, I'm begging you! I know who this Doctor really is! I know he's dangerous! You're going to get yourself killed! Please trust me! This information comes from Harold Saxon himself. You're not safe!

Francine: [yelling at Annalise as she storms out of the pub] You can't handle Quizmania!

The: Lovely to meet you, Mrs. Jones. I've heard a lot about you.
Francine: Have you. What have you heard, then?
The: Oh, y'know, that you're Martha's mother, and... Uhm... no, actually, that's about it. We haven't had much time to chat. You know, been... busy.
Francine: Busy? Doing what, exactly?
The: Oh, y'know... stuff.

The: [sees Martha's mother walking towards them; smiles] Ah, Mrs. Jones; we never finished our chat.
Francine: [without preamble she slaps the Doctor round the face]
Francine: Keep away from my daughter!
Martha: Mum, what are you doing?
The: [rubbing his jaw] Always the mothers! Every time!

Annalise: I am not staying in there to be insulted!
Clive: She didn't mean it, sweetheart, she was just saying you look healthy.
Francine: No, I did not - I said "orange".