The Best Gallaxhar Quotes

Gallaxhar: Humans of Earth, I come in peace. You need not fear me, I mean you no harm. However, it is important to note that most of you will not survive the next 24 hours. The few of you that do survive will be enslaved and experimented upon. You should, in no way, take any of this personally. It's just business. So to recap, I come in peace, I mean you no harm, and you all will die. Gallaxhar out.

[Susan wakes up on board Gallaxhar's spaceship in a containment cell]
Gallaxhar: [enters on a personal hovercraft] You must be terrified. You wake up in a strange place, wearing strange clothes, imprisoned by a strange being floating on a strange hovering device. Strange, isn't it?
Susan: Hardly. It's not the first time.
Gallaxhar: [deflated] Wow. You really get around.

The: Halt! I, Gallaxhar, command you to hand over the prisoner this instant.
Gallaxhar: Clearly you are defective beyond repair. Guards, take this defective clone to the incinerator!
Gallaxhar: Well, what're you waiting for? You, and you!
[points at B.O.B and Dr. Cockroach]
Dr. Cockroach Ph.D.: Seriously?
Gallaxhar: Yes. Take the prisoner and the defective clone to the incinerator.
Dr. Cockroach Ph.D.: Uh, of course, sir.
Gallaxhar: And here's a security pass, just in case.
[he offers a laser gun to B.O.B]
Gallaxhar: Would you like a gun?
B.O.B.: Yes, I would. Hey, guys, look.
[gun goes off and hits clone]
The: Okay...

Gallaxhar: [after his plot to invade Earth has been completely foiled] Oh... Spaceballs!