The Best Herr Schneer Quotes

Herr: [opening the door to his apartment] Herr Strasser.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Heii Hitler. This is my partner, Johann Cater, very good friend of the fatherland. He's been most helpful.
Herr: Come in, please. These are my key people, Fraulein Kissinger, and Herr Schneer.
[Schneer salutes]
Herr: This, of course, Herr Strasser, and Herr Carter.
[Hogan and Carter salute]
Herr: Now you say you have new about the new Allied offensive.
Herr: One moment, Herr Mayerink. I have followed your career in great detail, Herr Strasser.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: That's very flattering.
Herr: I even recall that you once had a hunting accident. Lost the tip of a thumb, I believe. Which thumb was that, Herr Strasser? The right, or the left? Well, Herr Strasser?
Col. Robert E. Hogan: You have an excellent memory, Herr Schneer, excellent. But thanks to some fine German surgery, you can't really tell which, can you?
[takes his hands out of his pocket and holds up both his thumbs]
Herr: Now, you say the enemy is planning to attack.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Yes. Wednesday evening through the south sector.
[gives Mayerink a piece of paper]
Herr: We have not observed any visual activity in the south.
Herr: Doesn't seem possible. Are you quite sure?
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Would I have taken this extreme method of getting through if I wasn't absolutely certain?
Herr: Still...
Herr: I think we can assume Herr Strasser's information is correct. He has a very high source.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Incidentally, about my contact...
Herr: If you'll excuse me, it is urgent that I order our forces to move south immediately. Enjoy our refreshments.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: At last, we meet, Fraulein.
[kisses her hand and looks at her ring]
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Hmm. Exquisite. Might I examine it under the light?
Fraulein: Certainly.
[they walk over to the lamp, Carter is sitting nearby]
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Hmm. Very unusual. It's an Amsterdam cut. Have you examined the stone, Herr Schneer?
Herr: Uh, not in any detail.
[Kissinger walks over to Schneer to have him examine the ring. Schneer takes out his glasses]
Fraulein: Oh, you really must see it under the light.
Herr: [as he examines, Carter takes pictures of the ring with a hidden camera in his coat] Yes, it could be Amsterdam or possibly...
Herr: [returns] We have six divisions moving south, thanks to your excellent report.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Danke Dir.
Herr: Now, we have a little surprise for you.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Oh?
Herr: The double agent Fraulein Wessler, she is here in this hotel.
[gives Colonel Hogan a set of hotel keys]
Herr: I know you two are very close. So, take a few minutes. You have earned it. She says you are the one man she could never forget.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Herr Mayerink, I don't what to say. You're too kind.
Herr: We are in a harsh service, but we, too are human. Go.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: It's too good to be true.
[walks towards the door to leave, but stops]
Herr: What is it?
Col. Robert E. Hogan: I can't do it. I made a pledge that I would not seek my happiness as long as our gallant men were still fighting. That not until der Fuhrer was sitting victoriously in the White House. Only then, will I look in Fraulein Wessler's eyes again.
[gives the keys back to Mayerink]
Herr: I understand.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Yes, well, I must be going. They've arranged my escape. I must get back to London and my duty.
Herr: You've done an excellent job.
Col. Robert E. Hogan: One more thing. Herr Schneer seems uncertain. He probably would like to know who my contact in London is. Perhaps you could explain it to him.
Herr: I'd be glad to. Herr Strausser's contact in Allied Headquarters is... is so high-placed, that his identity cannot be divulged. I do not know myself. And Herr Strasser can reveal this information to no one. Except in the presence of Herr Kappleman himself in Berlin. These are orders, Herr Schneer. I'm sorry.