The Best Ida Scott Quotes

Toby: There was some form of civilization... they buried something. And now it's reaching out, calling.
The: And you came.
Ida: How could we not?
The: So, when it comes right down to it, why did you come here? Why did you do that? Why? I'll tell you why: Because it was there! Brilliant! Excuse me, uh, Zack, wasn't it?
Zachary: That's me.
The: Just stand there, 'cause I'm gonna hug you... Is that all right?
Zachary: 'Spose so.
The: Here we go. Coming in.
[embraces Captain Crossflane]
The: Ah! Human beings! You are amazing! Ha! Thank you.
[releases the captain]
Zachary: Not at all.
The: But apart from that, you're completely mad. You should get back in that ship and fly for your lives.

The: ...Maybe we opened the prison, but not the cell.
Ida: We should go down. I'd go. What about you?
The: Oh, oh in a second! But then again... That's so human. Where angels fear to tread... Even now, standing on the edge, it's that feeling you get, yea? Right at the back of your head. That impulse... That strange little impulse... That mad little voice saying, "Go on! Go on! Go on!... Go over! Go on!..." Maybe it's relying on that... For once in my life, Officer Scott, I'm going to say... retreat. Ugh, now I know I'm getting old.
[speaks over comm]
The: Rose, we're coming back.

The: [Everyone is panicking after the Beast reveals itself. The Doctor causes a whistle of feedback] You want voices in the dark? Then listen to mine! That thing is playing on very basic fears! Darkness! Childhood! Nightmares! All that stuff!
Danny: But that's how the Devil works!
The: Or a good psychologist!
Ida: But how did it know about my father!
[the Doctor pauses]
The: Okay but what makes his version of the truth any better than mine, hmm? 'Cause I'll tell you what I can see: humans! Brilliant humans! Humans who traveled all the way across space! Flying in a tiny little rocket right into the orbit of a black hole! Just for the sake of discovery, that's amazing! Do you hear me? Amazing! All of you! The Captain! His officer, his elder, his juniors, his friends! All with one advantage: the Beast is alone. We are not. If we can use that to fight against him...
[the Beast telekinetically snaps the capsule cable, cutting the Doctor off]

Rose: But... if there's no atmosphere out there, what's that?
Ida: Storms breaking up... gas clouds... we have whole solar systems being ripped apart above our heads, before falling into that thing
[black hole]
Rose: So a bit worse than a storm, then?
Ida: Just a bit.

Ida: Really, though, Doctor. Who are you?
The: Oh... the stuff of legends.

The: Neo-Classics, have they got a devil?
Ida: No. Not as such. Just... the things that men do.
The: Same thing, in the end.

The: You get representations of the horned Beast right across the universe in myths and legends of a million worlds. Earth, Draconia, Vel Consadine, Daemos... The Kaled god of war, the same image, over and over again. Maybe, that idea came from somewhere. Bleeding through, a thought of every sentient mind...
Ida: Originating from here?
The: Could be.
Ida: But if this is the original, does that make it real? Does that make it the actual Devil?
The: Well, if that's what you want to believe. Maybe that's what the Devil is, in the end. An idea.