The Best Inge Wagner Quotes

Inge: Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Inge Wagner. This is Heidi Baum. And this Anna Mannheim.
LeBeau: LeBeau, Louis. Corporal. 19176546.
Inge: I'd say that you're well-trained for the convention, Corporal LeBeau. And there's nothing in the rules that says you cannot join us for a glass of champagne.
LeBeau: No.
Anna: Won't you sit down please, Corporal LeBeau?
Heidi: [LeBeau sits in a chair] Here, please.
[LeBeau sits down in the couch]
Inge: [pours four glasses of champagne] A toast. To Corporal LeBeau.
[they clink their glasses with one another and laugh]
LeBeau: Call me Louis.
Inge: [later on, after having multiple glasses of champagne] More champagne, Louis?
LeBeau: No more.
Inge: Is there something wrong with the wine? I thought the best champagne came from Reims?
LeBeau: Oh, it does. And also from Epernay.
Heidi: I never heard Epernay.
LeBeau: The most beautiful part of France. My father's family comes from there.
Inge: Ah. Is he also in the wine business?
LeBeau: No. He worked in the railroad yards.
Heidi: That must be fascinating.
LeBeau: I remember as a boy. I... I used to play in the secret tunnel under the tracks, where he used to store the old equipment.
LeBeau: My brother never knew I discovered it.
Inge: Oh, that's a fine story, isn't it?
Heidi: Yes, it is.
Inge: [later on, after flirting with LeBeau for an hour] How is the patè?
LeBeau: Mm. Fantastic.
Inge: We had it sent directly from Strassberg.
LeBeau: The only place for patè.
Inge: You ever been there?
LeBeau: I used to go to visit my friend, Claude Wauthier.
Inge: Wauthier. Isn't he the famous French violinist?
LeBeau: [laughs] No, there's no musical talent at all. His old talent was for making radios.
Inge: [laughs] My brother used to make radios too. He used to talk to people as far away as England.
LeBeau: Oh, Claude spoke to people in England all the time. He even spoke to a man in Australia.
Inge: I find you very fascinating, Louis.
LeBeau: I find you interesting too, Igne.
[kisses her fingers]
LeBeau: I've been with you an hour and you haven't asked me a question yet.
Inge: Oh, that I'd because I know I could never get any information out of you.