The Best Interface Quotes

[a light suddenly shines down in a beam onto Amy Pond]
Interface: Welcome to the Two Streams facility!
[the light switches off]
Amy: Um, who are you and why can't I see you?
Interface: [the ceiling tile lights up and shines on her again] I am the Interface between yourself and the systems of the Two Streams facility. I will be your guide, your teacher, your friend.
[the light switches off and a video wall panel behind the counter shows the Check-In Girl]
Check: Welcome to Two Streams. What is your name, please?
Amy: Amy. Amy Pond.
Check: Welcome, Amy Pond. I see you're traveling alone. As a resident, you will now have access to all of the entertainment zones inside. For a taste of adventure, why not try the Mountain Zone and explore Appalappachia's famous glass-mirror mountains? Or try our Roller Coaster Zone, authentically modeled on the famous Warp Speed Death Ride at Disneyland Clom. All you could wish for, and more, is through the depature gate, provided for you with kindness.