The Best Jana Singer Quotes

Chief: Ladies and gentlemen, an autopsy was performed on Mr. Faysal yesterday. The cause of death...
Jana: Jana Singer, from the Collinwood Expositor. Why would Heather Peterson kill him? Do you have a motive?
Chief: We have evidence from an eyewitness of a personal vendetta towards Mr. Faysal over a business transaction. We also recovered a large quantity of rat poison at the Peterson residence.
Dylan: What other evidence do you have connecting Heather to Verna's murder?
Chief: That investigation is still ongoing.
Jana: Yeah, 'cause I'm having a hard time figuring out why she would chop up an old woman into a bunch of little pieces.
Chief: I want to assure the citizens of Waterbury and its many visitors that this was not random, and we do not expect any more violence. Thank you very much.
Jana: [to herself] Unbelievable.
Sarah: You know, she's right. What if Heather's...
Dylan: Stop, babe. Babe, you gotta stop. Okay? You're gonna drive yourself crazy.
Sarah: If they're wrong, then the Executioner is still out there.