The Best Larry Nightingale Quotes

[Over the phone, Sally asks Kathy about the TVs in her apartment]
Sally: What's that on all those screens in your front room?
Kathy: [tiredly] Oh, God.
Kathy: [panicked] Oh, God! Sally, you've met by brother Larry, haven't you?
Sally: No.
Kathy: You're about to.
[Larry exits the bathroom, naked. He pauses when he sees Sally]
Larry: [half-awake] Okay... not sure, but... really, really hoping.
[Larry points downward]
Larry: Pants?
Sally: [subtle smile] No.
[Kathy rushes in and shoos Larry away]
Kathy: Put your pants on! Put them on! I hate you!

Sally: [going to look for a way out, leaving Larry with the statue] Don't blink. Remember what he said. Don't blink.
Larry: [not blinking] Who blinks? I'm too scared to blink.

Larry: [starting the DVD extra] And there he is.
Sally: The Doctor.
Larry: Who's the Doctor?
Sally: He's the Doctor.
The: Yep, that's me.
Sally: OK, that was scary.
Larry: No, it sounds like he's replying but he always says that.
The: Yes I do.
Larry: And that.
The: Yup. And this.
Sally: He can hear us. Oh my god you can really hear us!
Larry: Of course he can't hear us. Look. "Yup, that's me." "Yes I do." "Yup. And this." Next is:
Larry: "Are you gonna read out the whole thing?"
Larry: Sorry.

Larry: We've met before.
Sally: It'll come to you.

Larry: Me and the guys are trying to work out the other half.
Sally: When you say "you and the guys", you mean the internet, don't you?
Larry: How'd you know?
Sally: Spooky, isn't it?

The: [on the DVD] ... don't look away and don't blink! Good luck.
[the DVD ends]
Sally: No, don't! You can't!
Larry: I'll rewind him.
Sally: What good will that do?

Sally: Message from your sister.
Larry: Oh, ok. What? What is it? What's the message?
Sally: She had to go away for a bit. Nothing to worry about about. And...
Larry: And what?
Sally: She loves you.
Larry: She ill?
Sally: No!
Larry: Am I ill?
Sally: No?
Larry: Is this a trick?

Sally: You're not looking at the angels.
Larry: Neither are you.
[they look up to see an angel statue inches away from Sally's back, poised to kill her]

Larry: He's like... He's a ghost DVD extra. Just shows up where he's not supposed to be.

Sally: How can you know what I'm gonna say?
The: [on the DVD] Look to your left.
Larry: [Sally turns to see Larry writing something down] What does he mean by look to your left? I've written tons about that on the forums. I reckon it's a political statement.
Sally: He means you. What are you doing?
Larry: I'm writing in your bits. That way I've got a complete transcript of the entire conversation. Wait until this hits the net! This'll explode the egg forums!
The: [on the DVD, pointing at the screen] I've got a copy of the finished transcript, it's on my autocue.
Sally: How can you have a copy of the finished transcript? It's still being written!
The: [on the DVD] I told you, I'm a time traveller - I got it in the future!
Sally: Okay, let me get my head around this. You're reading aloud from a transcript of a conversation you're still having?
The: [on the DVD, waving his hands dismissively] Oh, wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey...
Sally: Actually, never mind that.

Larry: You live in Scooby-Doo's house.

[Larry has been sleepwalking]
Larry: Ok, not sure but really hoping.
[points down]
Larry: Pants?
Sally: No.

Larry: "The angels have the phonebox," that's my favourite, I've got that on a T-shirt.