The Best Liam McIntyre Quotes

Clyde: I think I got one of 'em.
Mark: Your luck's gonna run out one of these days, little brother.
Clyde: You've been telling me that since I was ten, Mark.
Mark: 'Cause I've taking care of you since you were ten.

Mark: Joss was born when me and her mom were still in high school. I never could work out how to be with that woman. Then when Joss came, I thought the best thing to do was to focus on my career.
The: Your criminal career?
Mark: That's why I left her with her mom. Least until she ran away because of some falling out.
The: What happened with Joss and her mom?
Mark: The last time I spoke to her, she told me that her and Joss are broken. You know how it is. Sometimes mothers and daughters break, and there ain't no fixing 'em.

Mark: You're just lettin' us go?
[Refers to Jake Simmons]
Mark: Why'd you shoot that guy?
Leonard: [Looking at Simmon's frozen body] He owed me money.
Mark: What? You want a "thank you?"
Leonard: Who doesn't like a "thank you?"
Roy G. Bivolo: [while having Lisa Snart's gun pressed to his head] Thank you.
Leonard: You are so very welcome.

Mark: I didn't know that Joslyn was busting me out. I didn't know she'd do half the things she does. I haven't spoken to her in years.
The: And you expect me to believe she woke up this morning and was like
[in a high-pitched falsetto]
The: "You know what? I wanna break my dad out of Iron Heights"?

Weather: Hey, don't mind me. I'm just here to pick up my dad.
Nora: Did she say "dad"?
Mark: Joslyn?
Weather: It's Joss.
[in the blink of an eye, Barry takes Mardon to the Pipeline]
Weather: Bring me my father! Now!
The: Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
Weather: We'll see about that. Bring my dad to Porter Plaza in one hour, or Central City is gonna get wrecked.

Mark: That's a pretty cool staff. Would you just... how about you just power that thing off for a sec and, uh, let your dad try.
Weather: Try this.
Cisco: [a Hummer lands grille-first on Mardon] Oh!
Weather: Oh, oh, don't feel bad. He was a selfish dick who abandoned his family. Anyway, thanks for helping me drop a truck on my dad.
Mark: [the Hummer falls over, revealing he's just a hologram] Uh, guys?
Iris: [at STAR Labs, wearing a VR headset] What now?
[taking it off]
Iris: I didn't see the Hummer coming.

Mark: Small miracle you only broke the one leg, Joe. The night I got sucked out of my plane, I broke almost every bone in my body. It was excruciating. At least you got a small taste of what that felt like. Still... Guess you'll never know what it really feels like to be God.
Joe: That's what your brother said to me right before I killed him.

Mark: [about to fight Snart] You wanna dance?
James: Boys, boys, boys, play nice. Mellow out, Mardon. Don't have a snit, Snart. Here's an idea: we all go out, have a few drinks, kill some carolers. We'll all feel better.

XS: So, the rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Weather: [sarcastic] You're a poet. Awesome.
Weather: Where's my dad?
The: [appearing with Mardon] All right, Joss, we held up our end of the bargain. You got your dad. There's no reason to hurt anybody.
Mark: Ah, so boring. Come on. We'll handle it from here.
[to Joss]
Mark: Hey, baby girl.
Weather: Dad.

Mark: I know you, don't I? Kyle Numbus. Used to be a member of the Darbinyan crime family.
Kyle: That's right.
Mark: Weren't you executed about a year ago?
Kyle: It didn't take.
Mark: No. The Darbinyans weren't known for hiring the best and brightest. You couldn't even die right.
Shawna: So you're so stupid mad right now, Mardon, you're going to pick a fight with anyone?
Mark: Guess so.
Kyle: If I had my powers right now, I would gas you all out of existence.
Jake: And then you'd be standing in a container with four corpses. What would that get you?
Mark: Peace and quiet.
Kyle: Well, I don't know about you guys, but I don't need my powers to fill this rig full of bodies.

Leonard: So why did you break us out?
Mark: Well, I owed you one, and this guy, he's just crazy. That was a compliment. And we all want the same thing.
Leonard: Fashion advice?
Mark: To see The Flash dead.
James: Well, that was more of a New Years resolution, but, hey, I'm flexible.

The: What is this?
Mark: That is a box with a bomb in it.
James: Yep. I've handed out about a hundred of 'em today, ha. Oh, it feels so good to give.
Mark: You see, right now, there are about a hundred random children who've each taken home a box, just like that one, and are shovin' it under their Christmas tree. There's no way for you to get all of 'em - even IF you know where to look.
The: No, no. Please don't do this.
Mark: What, me? Kill a hundred families? No. That's up to you. I'm happy just to take your life. So, this is how it's gonna be: You are gonna stand there and let me end you, very publicly and very painfully, and I'll let everybody live; but, if I see even a little flicker of electricity on you, casket makers in this town are gonna have a VERY merry Christmas. So, Flash, what's it gonna be, huh?

James: Was that you?
Mark: No! Gut him!

Mark: Hey, Joe. I can call you Joe, can't I? Figured we don't got to be too formal, seeing as you put two bullets into my brother's chest.
Joe: Your brother killed my partner and a whole lot of innocent people, and threatened to kill even more.
Mark: Yeah, Clyde was no saint, but he was family. If you can't protect your family, the least you can do is avenge 'em.