The Best Major Pruhst Quotes

Major: [after Hogan and Schultz leave Klink's office] So that is Colonel Hogan?
Col. Klink: You've heard of him?
Major: Yes. I know all about him. Born in Ohio, graduated from the Aviation Cadets- third in his class!
Col. Klink: Well, their standards are much lower than ours. Why are you so interested in him?
Major: The Gestapo is interested in *anyone* who is a threat to the State.
Col. Klink: But that man is a prisoner. He's harmless.
Major: What I'm going to tell you is not to leave this room.
Col. Klink: You can rely on my discretion.
Major: I don't want your discretion, I want your silence.
Col. Klink: Shh! Not a word! I'm not a talker anyway.
Major: Our records show that this area has the highest rate of sabotage and underground activity.
Col. Klink: Really? Out little area?
Major: Our Statistical Department has been working around the clock for the past five months sifting information on every known person in this area, AND RELATING THEM TO THE OUTRAGES WHICH HAVE TAKEN PLACE HERE!
Col. Klink: Your people are doing a wonderful job.
Major: We come to a conclusion which we find difficult to believe or explain.
Col. Klink: Yes, yes, yes.
Major: The evidence all points to one man: YOUR COLONEL HOGAN!
Col. Klink: That is impossible! He is a prisoner!
Major: But the evidence is overwhelming. I planted a man here in town to set a trap, spread rumors, but the bird was too smart to take the bait.
Col. Klink: With all due respect, Major, I think that's ridiculous. Are you saying that Colonel Hogan can walk in and out of my prison camp without my knowing about it?
Major: I got in without you knowing about it.
Col. Klink: Try getting out without my knowing about it.
Major: Klink, when the Manheimer bridge was blown up two months ago, there was a witness. He saw the leader in the moonlight. He saw him very plainly. His description of that man fits Hogan exactly.
Col. Klink: But Hogan is an ordinary-looking man; he looks like a lot of people. Why don't you bring the witness here and identify him?
Major: I can't! When my superiors found out that my suspect was a prisoner of war, they ordered me to drop the case!
Col. Klink: Well, what are you doing here?
Major: I DON'T GIVE UP! I need to send a picture of Colonel Hogan to the witness in Berlin. And if he can make a positive identification, THEY WILL HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME!
Col. Klink: Alright, we'll have a picture taken. Schultz!
Major: No! If Hogan is the right man, and if he becomes suspicious, he will just disappear. I want to take a picture of him without his knowing it.
Col. Klink: How?
Major: Let me show you.
[takes out a camera and puts it in his glove where there's a hole for the lens]
Major: So... This is how we do it in the Gestapo.