The Best Marcy Brewer Quotes

Clint: [after finding out about their son's sexuality] Was it something we did, David?
Marcy: Honey, stop!
Clint: No, I wanna ask. Do you think if we'd done things differently, that Patrick would still be...
David: I understand that this news can come as a shock... to some people. But he is still the same person, and it's his birthday, and he...
Marcy: David, we're not upset about Patrick being gay!
Clint: [after David turns and looks at him] No!
David: Oh my God, okay! For a minute I thought this was gonna get very dark.
[David wipes a tear from his eye and clears his throat]
Clint: The thought that Patrick was feeling like he couldn't come and talk to us about this.
Marcy: Is it because we were so close with Rachel?
David: [Johnny knocks at the door] Hi.
Johnny: David. Oh, hi. Hi, Clint, Marcy. I see you've met my son. How are you, David? Happy, I hope. Uh, 'cause at the end of the day, that's all that matters, isn't it?
David: Dad, it's fine. They, they are fine with Patrick being gay.
[Marcy nods]
Johnny: Oh. Oh, good. Good, then no one really has to feel bad about how this information came out, then, huh?
Marcy: So what do we do now? Not go to the party? I don't want to make him uncomfortable.
David: No, no, no, we are all going to the party. Patrick is planning on telling you tonight. So I think the best birthday gift we could give him at this point is to just... keep him in the closet until then. I know that came out wrong, but we all understand what I'm saying, right?
Marcy: Okay.
David: Okay. Whew.

Clint: You've got a really wonderful friend here, Patrick.
David: Yep, I'm just glad you could make it, Mr. and Mrs. Brewer. Um... well, I should leave you all to catch up, and spend some quality time with your son. But might I recommend the crab cakes? I over-ordered, and they cost a small fortune.
Patrick: [to his parents, pointing to David] Hey, could I just have two seconds with him?
Marcy: Sure.
Patrick: [Turning to David] What if they don't react the way I think they will?
David: [Holding Patrick] Then I will be here and we'll get through it together.
Patrick: Okay, I love you!
David: I love you!
[David love taps Patrick]

Patrick: Well, I am suitably surprised. Thank you guys for coming.
Clint: Well, we wouldn't miss it.
Marcy: We just love you so much.
Patrick: I love you guys, too. But um...
Marcy: Yes?
Patrick: Well, there's something that uh... that I've been meaning to tell you.
Marcy: You can tell us anything!
Clint: Honey, let's just... let him talk.
Patrick: Uh, yeah. So I guess this doesn't really come naturally. Um... David...
Marcy: He seems like a really great partner, honey.
Clint: [whispering] Marcy!
Marcy: In business.
Patrick: Yeah, he is. He's also a great partner outside of business. We're together. David is my boyfriend. And I've never been happier in my life. And so I just, I hope you guys can accept that.
Marcy: You are the only thing in the world that matters to us. And if David makes you happy, then that's all we care about.
Patrick: [Emotionally] Dad?
Clint: I like him. I like him a lot.
Patrick: [starting to smile and breathe a sigh of relief] Me too.
Clint: I don't understand his clothes, but...
Patrick: [everyone laughs] Ah, you will in time.
[Patrick is relieved]
Patrick: Oh man, I didn't know how I was gonna tell you guys.
Marcy: Well, we're just glad you finally did. Happy birthday, my sweet boy.
Patrick: Thank you!
[Patrick glances to David and his family who turn away and pretend they haven't been listening]