The Best Nikki Quotes

Nikki: You!
Nathan: Hi!
Nathan: Sorry about, ah, you know...
Nikki: Shittin' in my bed?
Nathan: Yeah. Wrong flat!

Nikki: If I had your power. I'd wait until I was coming and I'd rewind a couple of seconds and just hover in the moment.
[starts faking an orgasm, makes a rewind sound and starts faking again]
Curtis: You're too good at faking it. Most people would want to do something useful, like go back in time and kill Hitler or something.
Nikki: Right. But after after I'm done killing Hitler, I'm doing the thing with the orgasms.

Nikki: Is it true you shit yourself when you die?
Nathan: That only happened once. And I've got a bucket standing by, just in case.