The Best Novice Hame Quotes

Novice: My lord gave his life to save the city and now he's dying.
The: No, don't say that. Not old Boe. Plenty of life left.
Face: It's good to breathe the air once more.
Martha: Who is he?
The: don't even know. Legend says the Face of Boe has lived for billions of years. Isn't that right? And you're not about to give up now.
Face: Everything has its time. You know that, old friend, better than most.
Novice: The legend says more...
The: Don't. There's no need for that.
Novice: It says that the Face of Boe will speak his final secret to a traveller.
The: Yeah, but not yet. Who needs secrets, eh?
Face: have seen so much, perhaps too much. I am the last of my kind. As you are the last of yours, Doctor.
The: That's why we have to survive. Both of us. Don't go.