The Best O'Donnell Quotes

O'Donnell: What year are we in?
The: [checking the wind direction] 1980.
O'Donnell: So, pre-Harold Saxton, pre-the Minister of War, pre-the moon exploding and a big bat coming out.
The: The Minister of War?
O'Donnell: Yeah...
The: [cutting her off] No. Never mind, I expect I'll find out soon enough.

O'Donnell: I used to be military intelligence. I was demoted for dangling a colleague out the window.
The: In anger?
O'Donnell: Is there another way to dangle someone out the window?
[the Doctor smiles in reply]

O'Donnell: [jumping up and down in excitement] It's bigger on the inside. It's bigger on the inside. It's bigger on the inside. How can it be bigger on the inside, Bennet?

The: Where's Bennett? We need to get going.
O'Donnell: Oh, he's still throwing up. 'One small step for man, one giant bleargh!'
The: Time travel does that sometimes.
O'Donnell: Somehow I doubt that Rose or Martha or Amy lost their breakfast on the first trip.